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Everything posted by dann2707

  1. Yeah, it would appear that way. Its not like I don't talk to her either, its just she relates everything back to her show! For example 'oh yeah so I'm going to sheffield uni' 'Oh I'm doing a show there sometimes blah blah blah!' That's just an example like. I don't think I could meet someone like that, but I totally would if given the choice. I'm so mixed up in her its unreal :/. She's one of those girls who you wouldn't just do, then not talk to like a few others this year, she's just minter!
  2. Yeah cheers. I think she likes me, . She's a lovely person, not a slag or anything, but just felt a bit used (and not in the dirty good way) today at college.
  3. Been in the sixth form study with this girl who I'm practically in love with, and been really talking to her and getting into her but found out why she's been hanging with me more than usual is cos she's fallen out with her friends over this lad she was seeing. So I guess she's been using me to talk to because she isn't on talking terms with her mates. Dunno though as she could have gone to speak with her other friends but yet came to talk to me. Idk, I hate girls like that. She's beautiful, talkative but always always goes on about her 'shows' that she's in. And its always related to that. Gets a bit frustrating. She's still amazing but appears to be a bit of a user? Idk,
  4. Amazing first show of the season. I wish it would be on every week though through the year, it wouldn't be possible with the filming and that but it would be amazing. Lol at the first corner in the RR
  5. Stay away from fiat puntos. I had one as my first car, they gather oil leaks faster than you can stop them! They are generally unreliable and the head gasket goes on the 8vs too easy. On the later models the power steering fails and said head gasket failure (mk2, not grande). Corsas are good for first cars, they have very low insurance groups (the 1.2 16v models). Fairly reliable and great on fuel. Fords are good, like ka's, nice refined engines and are ecenomical. A good tip is go on to parkers.co.uk and look at the low insurance group cars, goes from 1-20 My fiat punto was group 4, my 1.6 golf mkiv was group 5 and my current ford focus 1.8 tddi is also 5. I'm paying £1800 per year on my own policy tpft. Not bad for my first year driving at 18 I'd say!
  6. Yeah mods are good for short people like myself. Not sure how tall (or not) I am but I ride mod and it's spot on. Felt a stock was a bit over whelming
  7. dann2707

    Trials Whores 5

    The music was awful! Had to mute it to be honest. Vid was good but I couldn't help thinking most of the clips cut off the top half of the riders and mainly focused on the wheels and it was a bit frustrating.
  8. Wow that bottom bracket isn't even threaded in is it! Not looking good mate, I would, as said above, take the cranks off and have a good look at whats what
  9. Can't really see the picture but if its plastic could you plastic weld it? (Picture didn't load right on my phone though so I can't quite see the pic)
  10. Arhh! I thought some people were riding sunday too?
  11. HAHA that is awesomely classic. LOL at the face plant at 2.29!
  12. Yeah? Not a single one at my year 11 prom. My year 13 prom is in a couple of week although we aren't spending money on expensive things like that as it's all going towards the drink
  13. Ok cool. Add me on www.facebook.com/alexisonfire.coxy I think its that anyway, x
  14. I can't this weekend, well not Sunday as I'm riding Leeds. What bike do you ride?
  15. Limos are so cliche. Rally car would be unique
  16. Been watching football lately, only reason: procrastination.
  17. Not far from me at all. Closer than leeds city I think. I'd be up for a ride whenever mate.
  18. I know matey! I had to catch the train back as I had some plans with a mate at the pub. Yeah, deffo, got two A-level exams next week so probably not then but after that I'm up for it.
  19. Aye, I enjoyed it. Was my first meet/ride so didn't know anyone properly. Big thanks to Rob for attempting to tighten my BB, although the stupid Onza BB had sleeves so it didn't fit. Bad times. Look forward to the next ride, hopefully I'll be a bit better then
  20. I cannot view the image/video but I shall answer it anyhow. They are ok. Good day to you sir.
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