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Everything posted by python_man

  1. get an engineering firm to fill the thread space up then re tap the thread in again with the same size thread. you then wont have to change the size of your bolts but you will have new thread. you also could buy some copper inserts they are just cylinders with thread inside them . you could then get an engineering firm to ally weld them into your frame you will not strip the copper inserts easily hope i helped
  2. i think it helps if you ride with people because then you can push eachother to do bigger and better thinks you get better quicker i think
  3. kick harder put all you have into it set your self a huge gap with some pallets or something keep at it and you will soon get it
  4. unless you get a uber thin freewheel u cant fit a free wheel on as there is not enough thread to have a freewheel then the snail cam then put it on your bike check the echo site if you do not believe me cogs only!!!! http://www.echobike.com/ got and look at the fixed hub section and it will explain
  5. the echo snail cams that come with echo hubs are a total pain in the arse 2 set up but once you have them set properly they keep the wheel exactly where u put it just make sure u tighten the bolts up totally then ur sorted :D up the pythons !!!!!! :D
  6. u can doctor the mounts so they fit into the 4 bolt mounts just need bigger bolts
  7. just a normal 26inch disk hub and a normal say echo front rim
  8. i was wondering if a 26 inch hub can be laced onto a 20inch rim will that work i was just wondering i was also wondering if a 20 inch wheel with disk can be run on 26inch forks if anyone cud help i wud be greatful thanks :o
  9. what is the point in running up a wall do something proper go get a bike trials for life :)
  10. use disk brake cleaner it drys in seconds spray it under by putting a screwdriver underneath them then spray the disk brake cleaner. using many other things make the grips slide when u put new ones on. if ur putting new grips on spray the disk brake cleaner on the bars then slide the new grips on be quick then the cleaner will dry and your grips wont slide a bit hope i helped
  11. i mean what does everybody else like i prefere mods i was just generally asking what do you prefere :)
  12. yer he is running a rear freewheel but thats what i said they are FIXED hubs whech means FIXED cogs only there isnt enough thread for a freewheel thats why they are made
  13. What is best MOD or Stock?????? :rolleyes:
  14. its a FIXED hub which means u have a FIXED cog on the hub eg 12 tooth . IF you have a 12 tooth on the back you must have a freewheel on the front. you now need a set of cranks with a thread on . you also need a 127.5 or bigger bottom bracket. check the echo site for all what u need i run an echo front freewheel bottombracket an echo green fixed hub an echo 12 tooth fixed cog tensile cranks (with thread) and a normal freewheel
  15. the new tensile freewheels are meant to be quite good and quite cheap
  16. easiest way take it 2 a bike shop they sud do it for you or heat it up slightly. i wud take it 2 a bike shop or you will just go through loads and loads of hose :D
  17. hi all does anyone know what the song is from zoo video _ 15 ?????? be great if some one could tell me
  18. show us those broken frames and lovely dents what true trials is about . to go big and to dent those frames :D :D :D i would upload a pic or two but it wont let me. Show those dents !!!
  19. bigger the better widder the better it is i think go big
  20. tar is the dogs nuts if you put a light coating on ur rim it works a treat and gives you a fantastic squeak and it does really really grip
  21. BIG BIG BIG screwdriver but take ur time at ur own risk :o
  22. craig lee scott and tim prat are the best rider around ^_^^_^
  23. lemon or vinager in meant to remove the stickers pick off the main part of the sticker and use lemon and a scratchy sponge to take the rest of the sticker off . havent tried it myself but ive heard it works :unsure::unsure::unsure:
  24. PYTHON kicks all . its the sexiest bike around :lol::lol:
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