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Everything posted by python_man

  1. has anyone else broken screens of their mp3 players or phones?? recently due to side hopping my friend smashed his mp3 players screen the next day i smashed my phones screen has anyone else done this????
  2. what are you talking about mate try to explain more you need i run a 12t sprocket on the back and a 18t freewheel on the front if that is any help
  3. i ride a Zoo python 1045mm version it is one of the nicest bikes i've ever ridden. once your up on the backwheel it stays up with no effort. i find even though its a mega long bike it is still a piece of cake to flick around just look at the stuff craig lee scott does. the bike is fantastic and if you get it set up perfectly for you . you wont want to ride another bike again. the only other bike i like to ride is a 26inch adamant a1 because they feel almost the same and i feel my bike is so easy to ride. of coarse its up to you . i can just say that there is very little if any flex or the rear without a booster and the bike feels as strong as anything. ask anyone who rides a python and see what they think the bike is lovely and of coarse with colour coded parts its sex on legs
  4. since when did i call people mindless twats???? i don't mind about validation if my post here helped to be validated then so be it i really don't mind what you think of me but i felt i had to get this off my chest. i may be being hypocritical but really if people on this forum are so hot on peoples ggrammarthen why sshouldn'tpeople be so hot about people blocking up the server with pointless replies. is it or is it not in the rules about pointless topics??? i felt i just had to start my topic with what i felt you obviously thought about what you wanted to say in reply so why is it that i cannot be able to speak my mind ???? do you think that is childish to be speaking my mind?? i don't want to get in a silly argument with you so i am going to stop now. it is a free country and people are allowed to speak their mind this is what i felt so thank you all for reading
  5. listen mate its not a question of what bike to get, a bike is a bike. its not the bike that makes the rider good its the rider. ok a good bike helps but its pointless getting a top spec bike when you cannot ride the thing. my advice to you is to search on ebay for a good ish bike buy it and start to learn the basics. then once you get better you can get a better bike to do better things on. and what the guys mean up there is stop with all the "lmao" and semi written words. i take it you do or did go to school then use some of the grammar you used in english. people on this forum like grammar and for gods sake use the spellcheck it doesn't take long to use it . if you buck up your ideas and grammar you might get upgraded to member this century it does make the moderators lifes easier not having to read text talk . think of the moderators
  6. sorry for the essay!! i'm sorry i apologize for my pointless topic in advance but i just felt that i had to get this off my chest and speak my mind. does it not bother anyone else that people who sign up to this forum take no heed of the instructions. does it not bother people that the same name keeps cropping up 5 or more times in the recent post sections. yes maybe some of their posts are relevent but it is just so annoying that people start countless pointless topics (like this one) just trying to get validated. does it not annoy you the people who add nothing to topics by posting one word answers to people genuinely asking for assistance in matters. people who just start countless topics with no need for it. just start one topic and ask a few questions for pity sake. one last moan " sorry" but why to people post topics about cakes!!!! ???? this is a TRIALS forum about trials subjects not a cake forum WASTE OF SPACE !!! people have relevent questions that they need help with. if people want to talk about cakes start a cake forum. why cant people just read the guidelines and just wait to be validated like everybody else why do they have to take up the servers space with pointless topics and answers that will get them no where??? i'm sorry for this moan and groan about a handful of few people who do not take the time to read the guidelines clearly but i just felt i had to get it in the open and say what i feel i'm sorry if i have offended anyone by my post but i had to say something. you can say that i'm wrong i really don't care but this is a trials forum and i want to talk about trials again i'm sorry for this useless topic and i'm sorry for wasting the space for topics that are actually relevent
  7. hi all i've looked on the search and i couldn't find anything so i thought i would give this a stab does anyone know if i could use a rear mechanical disk brake on the front will it make a difference that it is rear would love a quick response thanks all nick
  8. what a waste of space this is a trials forum its for trials not rubbish like this. if your talking about eating nesquick or coco pops while doing a 10 foot gap then its good but this is just stupid
  9. i ride a zoo python with tensile cranks and front freewheel . i ride without a bashguard and without a bashring. i have had no problems yet. (touch wood) but i do not see the point in it all if your going to come crashing down when your back wheeling your going to come crashing down. i had a bash plate on my last bike and i split it in two. It didn't help the bike at all it just made it heavy and gave it a weak spot and finally after a few monts it cracked near the bashplate and chainstay. so to me i think they are useless i prefer my python without a bash ring it gives me more of an incentive to get up things. get up or brake your bike i find it helps a little bit.
  10. the problem is zoo pads in the dry on a ceramic rim are the dogs knackers the thing i usually do is to not use my bike whilst its raining very simple and very cheap and i'm not going to grind because i do not need to. My brake doesn't slip at all try zoo pads you wont go back but only in the dry
  11. dry all the way !!! when your trying a 7 foot gap in the wet and your zoo pads are wet on your ceramic ( sorry for the spelling) rim and it slips straight out and u land on your spine you soon realise that its not the best thing to be doing in the wet. i like riding after it has rained because i find obstacles are slightly harder but as long as my rims and pads are dry i do not mind i want to keep trials riding i do not really want to brake my back :D
  12. There is a bit of problem i live in an area where there are few trials riders about there eight at the most but they are hardly ever out so i always seem to be riding by myself. i play my music but i still sometimes get bored. i have this "thing" where if i choose to do something i have to do it before i leave or i wont be able to do it. i do like riding but it seems to get boring because i'm not always learning new moves.
  13. does anyone ever feel like they are not progressing any further with their trials skills???? some days i ride really well and learn lots of new moves but i have times where i feel i just cannot do anything. i just have a "trials block". does anyone else have this problem where you cannot do anything?????
  14. keep the python stay with mods they are the way forward. stuff how tall or short you are its what you can do i love getting on my mates adamant A1 but i still love to get back on my python. 20inch is the way to go. mods all the way and you have got the best looking bike around the sexy python love em :D
  15. i do like the new moves out there but i think it is all to "bmxy". i think trials used to be big technical moves like sidehopping and doing huge gaps. but it IS evolving and it seems as if it is returning back to its roots of bmx. i really enjoy trials riding and i love doing big gaps and tricky lines. but does anyone think it is starting to go in the wrong direction. i just wanted to know what everybody else thinks about the "New" trials.
  16. they're the dogs nuts called them up to build a wheel for me . they had a back log so told me not to expect it too soon it was done and delivered to my door in three days !!! on top of the amazing time the wheel is s#*t hot will defiantly order again from them . they are also good to chat to on the phone . keep it up dave and adam . (Y)
  17. i've searched the forumn and haven't found anything on this so i thought i might as what does everyone think has trials changed for the better??? i have noticed watching the videos that are just coming out, that street moves with lots of speed is starting to become more and more common. i'm one of those trials riders that like to be relatively slow and not go into things with a huge pace. i hop around alot and do gaps . is it just me or is trials starting to go excuse the word "bmxy" it seems that lots of new moves are huge bunnyhops to manuals ect. i know this sounds stupid but is it just the different types of trials or is the bygone years of little hops and technical moves just descend into trials past. i'm sorry for this waste of thread space i just wanted to know what people think of the evolving face of trials sorry again sorry thinking about it its just me being stupid sorry for wasting the space
  18. MAD riding dude keep it up stuf the camera quality that is some great riding how long u been doing it for keep it up dude (Y)
  19. Nice i respect you for your perseverance i would have given up on it by now but looks great good luck with the rest of the game will be great :D
  20. yea sorry i was thinking of the short python thats 362 mm chain stay sorry but the craig lee is slightly easier to side hop and piece of cake to keep on the back wheel.
  21. ive found that my cls python is alot better on the back wheel than a zona of the same length. the chainstay (which is the same length makes a little bit difference when side hopping. it might just be my preference of my python but i think the little bit more money makes the difference.
  22. i swear i might go and ask little old men in big coats 2 see if they wanna sponser me. or i wonder if neil tunnicliffe is adopting right gotta get hold of him see if he is interested
  23. you get these people like craig lee scott who is sponsored by zoo and people like benito rossi who is sponsored by koxx what i want to know is how do they get sponsored??? does some little man in a long coat and big hat sneak up and ask if they want to be sponsored and hands them a frame from his coat pocket? i mean how does it happen? has anyone ever been approached by this little man and are you sponsored how does it happen??? be great if you could clear this situation up for me
  24. as we are entering summer the hotter days seem to be harder to ride in as you get tired quicker and slip of your bars . as we are having hotter days whats the best time to ride for you ???? i find that if i relax during the day i have a seven o clock burst of great ridin and i ride great for a couple of hours what do you thinks best>???????
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