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I-LUV-TRIALS last won the day on November 27 2016

I-LUV-TRIALS had the most liked content!


  • Birthday 01/27/1991

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  • Real Name
    Adam Newton
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    ZOO! pitbull 07 loads of lush bits :)

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    st austell.cornwall

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Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. Cheers man, I managed to edit it so it did embed so we now have two lol. Yeah last i rode was an echo 24 same as i have now when they first came out haha!
  2. Been back on a trials bike for about 4 and half months now, this is a quick edit from a ride last weekend, nothing amazing but I'm happy with my progression since being back. Always welcome helpful criticism and advice, and i realise the editing is not very good, i got myself a mac book and had never used it before
  3. Stick a post up on here if youre on facebook mate
  4. haha, well i thought it would add a nice touch aha more pictures uploaded too!
  5. Those cranks are drilled echo ones, i have the zhi cranks and they have less holes and are squared not circles. plus the obvious fact they have ECHO etched into them
  6. I started at 15, rode for about a year or two, then gave up. I then started again 4months ago (at 20) and in the past 4months ive progressed more than I did in those first 2 years! I dont think age means anything really. Everytime I ride I try to go a little bit bigger, as long as you do this you'll pick it up in no time I just think to myself whats the worst thats gonna happen, in most cases its a shin dig or sore ass and within 5mins your back up and trying it again, just remember always wear a helmet! Ive also found that by filming everytime I ride I get a good idea of my improvements, this stops you getting disheartened and keeps you motivated to go bigger and better.
  7. yeh seems like everything is going 1000wb :/
  8. haha well... yeah the gaps on the list for the next video, its like a double gap and then a 6ft drop into a bank, just a case off getting the balls aha
  9. same as the 11 but with built in tensioners? the 2011 frame was awesome though so it didnt need changing
  10. Very nice mate! The lines were awesome!
  11. cheers mate, got loads left to be done though and dont worry im pushing myself every ride
  12. first day on a 24, first section is when i just got back from london, rest was today in plymouth had a really good day and the sun was out hope you guys enjoy! Adam.
  13. haha just get some off tarty mate, i gave up on the idea of someone swapping some with me and bought 2 sets and cheers buddy, yeah the cranks were the one thing i wanted to get when going from mod
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