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A!! last won the day on August 2 2023

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About A!!

  • Birthday 11/20/1991

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  • Real Name
    Alex J
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Short GU. 06 Fit flow street: Odyssey KC Badger seat, primo balance rear rim laced to a KHE Geisha street freecoaster, exclusive brown 25t profile imperial sprocket, shortend seat tube, Odyssey twisted plastic pedals, Ruben Alcantara grips

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Bmxing, Trials, pit bike supermoto/motox, parties.
  • Location
    Bourne, Lincolnshire

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A!!'s Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Summer of fit Who looks after you now go rip it to every other bmx forum you know and claim credit
  2. not wanting to piss on any ps3 lovers chips here. but i went round my girlfriends house the other day, and her brother has one set up on a hdtv (sony i think), n he wanted to show me it, so i was thinking i was gonna be really impressed with it, epsecially with all the hype. But i have to say it looked really disapointing, i mean more graphics wise than anything else But anyway not meaning to hijack the thread here.
  3. Whats the privacy settings on my gamer card thing i posted all about, thought i took em all off I have PGR 4 now, and im getting COD4 today. So add me if you want to play
  4. went out for a ride on boxing day and my mum came along to get some pictures. So i ended up playing about with them on some programme she has for pictures to see what i could turn them out like. was in two minds wether to upload them, but i guess it helps me in editing next time i get more pictures. I'm quite please with some of them, others not so sure, but its more a case of me getting use to different tools and stuff, i do have the originals if any wants to see them too. Up to back Bigger up to back Small drop gap Up to back with more tuck (my favourite) Wheelswaps
  5. what do you think to your tierra, like it? Guessing you got it in the longer version? i know i love mine, just had no chance to ride it lately, which is shit , such a nice frame though.
  6. yeah i love it, rides so nice, far better than my old GU. Big thanks to the guys at tarty for building it and getting sent out and to me quickly, especially considering the time of year
  7. Been away from trials for quite a while, and recently started watching a lot of videos and missed it. So yeah ended up getting a new complete after i sold my Gu in summer, and here it is
  8. holy f**k I think i came back into trials at the right time
  9. A!!

    Bmx Questions

    Yeah my pedals do that, it's just 'cause they work themself loose, happend with my S&M pedals too. A little bit of thread lock should do the trick.
  10. Was amazing to watch, got the editing and music spot on. Sick riding too, the guy with the red rims and parts thing going on has a really nice style.
  11. A!!

    Bmx Questions

    I seriously havent had any problems with my khe parks, not one single puncture, front or rear. And the difference they make is really noticeable. I dont know how people can have so many problems with them. I run mine at a minimum of 90psi (which is whats stated as a minimum to keep the sidewalls in a nice shape) and ride street, pegless granted, but if you've ever seen the streets round here you'd realise the amount of glass around.
  12. A!!

    The New Ipods

    Personally i'm no fan, and never have been, but i came across the new range and thought i'd give people a heads up about them, i think they look better than the old ones, but you'd still never find me buying one. But anyway, check out: apple.com to have a look.
  13. Got someone to re-do all of mine 'cause it went all shitty, even though i'm not really into myspace i still think it looks really good. So: Check it out
  14. A!!

    Bmx Questions

    Had another amazing ride today, we've found some old warehouse thing, loads of pallets and flexy board so we've made a quater, wall ride, jump box, bunny hop bar, and a manual box out of it. So yeah had a real fun day riding it. Decided to actually learn how to bunny hop higher as well, as before mine were pretty poo, so got a still from some phone video. I did manage a little higher, but i never recorded any of the others. Ramps we made: Yeah the whole panorama thing went tits up but ahh well Jump box (quater is right at the back)
  15. A!!

    Bmx Questions

    I can't really pinch with the height and size of my seat, so when i do them i tip my left foot (foward foot) up on the pedal so my toes are pointing upwards, and my back foot down so it lowers my knees and gives me a tiny amount of grip on the seat. But most of it comes down to just getting your upper half in the right position when you throw them, so lean forward so you don't go over the back. Saying that though, i only do them at lower speeds now lol. Watch eddie cleveland ride too
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