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Everything posted by robonatomz

  1. i sold them years ago ali sorry, cant believe that, cant believe your replacing the beast already, fuel eco on a petrol focus aint mint, i know it says it will do 47 mpg, but knock some off to be realistic, and some off to compensate for your heavy foot! lol you need a motor like mine, it actually does do 65 mpg and is £35 a year for tax, foe example, to drive to devon and camp over in the vito would probs cost £90 in deisel (far as i can remember and olowing for price increases since i sold it) in mine now it wouls cost about £45 to drive, leaving enough for a nice comfy bed and breakfast! lol winner
  2. what have you done to my van ali?
  3. anyone fancey it, i checked the weather and it looks like being one of the only dry places in the area tomorrow, so anyone up for a hop? rob
  4. never seen so many gays in one video, lol nice one lads,
  5. yer this is the t omp ever, the sections are sweet, the organisation is top notch and the free hotel for all riders is,, well free, lol. most of the sections are do or die, and sadly i did a lot of dieing last weekend, lol. just about recovered in time for world cup this weekend, you coming stan?? o and as for french weather, we are currently having the worst storm i ever saw, lol its rained for 2 days and now the lightening is sweet!!! se you in swiss land if your going, (its gonna rain for quallification) rob
  6. hi, well as i know dave is away at the moment, i will try and answer your question, please be patient with my spelling etc as i am in france allso at the moment and these french keybords are strange!!!, the letters are all mixed up, anyway, pretty sure pre entries only, as before ymsa have offered on the day entrie , lots of people promise to come, then dont and the comp ends up being only a few riders and costs the club, and even dave himself, afortune to run, so please, get your entries in, and im sure dave will run a mint trial!! rob
  7. robert poyser, stoke on trent uk get some trials in there for 2012 man
  8. no worries mate, its a dificult one to spell and lets face it im not one to coment about spelling really, lol rob
  9. yer top notch guys!!! best on line stor i ever use and in fact, i even use them for some parts for work as they are much easyer to deal with and more organised than most of the trade companies, hope you get the recognition you deserve from the trade, nice one add, rob poyser, with an s, lol
  10. that was themost technicalt difficult world cup iv seen, hence my amazing last posisition, lol. no seriously, sososo technicall, little balance moves, just imposible for me and some other riders to do, but hey it was the same for everyone, i still enjoyed the trip, the final was awsome, gille wa such a beast, and allso in 20" big congrats to rick koekoek, 3rd, what a beast, nice one slinger for getting int final, god to see so many brits in the semifinal, try and make it one more in switzerland, lol well done all of you, see you in a few weeks rob
  11. the quarry is the best place in the area now, brakeb does open but, its best to get permision to ride there for defo, because people just turning up and riding are causing problems with the landowner rob
  12. good luck to those going to bui comp, and il see you guys in belgium for world cup next weekend, do we even have a rider going to yooth games?? good luck to you too if there is, lol rob
  13. o i just noticed the date on the top of the thread, im such a mong sorry guy,s having to work was a bummer but just think, if its that busy that you have to work sundays, you must be selling loads!!!! hehe rob
  14. good pics add, but how come you guys dent come to the national, it was awsome!! and local to you too, you missed out im tellin you!!! rob
  15. if your realy worried about id go to see an osteopath, i broke my back and my neck a few years ago now, so as you can imagine it hurts like hell some days, especially if i ride alot, i find a trip to the osteopath sorts it right out , they can be expensive but in my opinion woth the money, if its just a small muscle/soft tissue injury then they may well get it sorted in 1 or 2 visits, rob
  16. i didntsee you up there adam? did you make it and i missed you? anyone know what happened to stan shaw? he was suposed to come butno show and nobody knows why, very strange can i just be the first to say thanks to the organisers and observers today, thanks to the obsevers for braving the wind, and the showers all day, thaks to the organisers, and mostly thanks to dave, allan, nick and the lads who built the sections, i crashed on my ass all day, they were really hard but i really enjoyed them, its about time the uk saw some world level sections, and congratulations to all the lads that could actually ride them well! im off to sleep untill teusday lol rob
  17. just spoke to one of the section builders from today, sounds like its gonna be a top trial, there is an artificial section made from skips, iv never been to a bad triai that had skips, so its gotta be good! lol rob
  18. yer it his older brother, looks like if your french, feeling a bit old to be mint at trials anymore and need a job, you should desighn a frame! lol well in worked for bruno arnald so why not, it looks different at least, maybe someone will get a go on it in italy and let us know, rob
  19. if you are gonna come, il fill an entry form out for you, mr ailsbury!! lol rob
  20. if yu wanna come tom, no probs would be good to see you at a comp again!! rob
  21. yer , would deffo say that daves uci sections and the obseving at ymsa is of a world standard so its very good practice!! rob
  22. well done guy's, only did so well because i wasent invited, obviously! lol rob
  23. see you sunday tom, and mr ky all( dunno your real name sorry), if your gonna go then why not ride the trial anyway. rob
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