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Everything posted by robonatomz

  1. i like the fenda kollossal 2.6 stick-e, its the grippyest tryre ever and its duel ply so no pinchflats. allso the kinetics 2.6 stick-e is very grippy and very bouncy but only single ply and i did find pinch flats were a drama! rob
  2. i wanted to come, even the missus was up for cummin with me but sadly this weekend iv been injured so aint rode a thing, with wheels anyway! gotta rest, its so borin. ridin at essex trial at weekend thow. rob.
  3. yes oats, gotta get down there on the sat night its well far. bloody southeners! lol. better get the beds out in the fcuk truck! lol. baz, u recon its easy to find? a12 you say?
  4. hehe. you know if they got a web site? still?
  5. i still mite be, if i cant get them on the phone il just go down and see whats goin on!
  6. wanted to but i never know when the essex trials are. they dont ever tell me. all the other clubs send membership renewal and entry forms in about january. i dent get an essex one thow. wanna ride thriftwood too its not a bad venue! just been speakin to the biggest fairy ever. barry! lol
  7. if you got a good chain tool use that but the conector's aint that week. i use them if im in a rush or somthing. but would prefer the proper joining way. just be carefull not to split the outer link when re joining the chain, i found that kmc's somthimes do that.
  8. aust i pm'ed you, thought you should get your understanding of things right before you post about things.
  9. we dent exactly swap did we aust, you thought you would be better off on an onza, so you bought a t rex frame, and jb uk asked me to ride a zark for them. keep a look out for the new jb frame coming soon for any one that is interested. thanks to the event organisers and observers, i realy enjoyed the trial today, and suprised myself with a good result for a change. rob.
  10. is there gonna be bigger stuff this time, and will it be fastened securely?
  11. i wasnt upsent bout the tyres i just think its messed up that people devalue a product by selling it too cheap. its not even tartybikes that is to blame, the new suplyer's price is silly cheap. o and they are brand new, still with the tags on and in the box they got deliverd in. the forum does not amuse me the people on here that life,riding and everything that bit too seriously do! was gonna put a smiliey at the bottom of this post, but i cant find one with the dummy being spat! hehehehehe.
  12. its somthing i dont think you could decide untill it happened, what quality if life would you have is you could not do a thing? iv broken my back before and the thret of maybe being paralised is the most scary feelin ever. but after a few days of crappin maself all was well and that was a good feelin, cant realy make a decision on the origonal question thow. rob
  13. ok, way i see it, trials= competitoin, a trial of what you can do on your bike against the section,s. street riding, the same techniques as a trial but riding for fun trying new stuff etc. yes its riding on your trials bike over obsticles, but its not a trial. im at work and as its febuary nobody is buying bike's, so i have very little to do. so may i thank everyone for your entertaining reply's/post's . kept us laffin for ages, its like fishing. put out a post that doesent agree with what anyone is sayin,[the bait], then, hold on for a bit , then come and see how manny bite's i got. some people realy do get upety very easy. lol. :-
  14. riding does not have to be a competition, riding can be what you want it to be. trials has to be about a competition because trials is a competition, thats what it is
  15. save som money and get a wight industries freewheel cant falt them!
  16. ok, sorry bout the spelling ang grama, etc, but hay when i was on the spelling,grama and i love literacy forum last nite, they new nothin about trials. so that was kinda off the point. dangerousdave, yes i have seen the sections, the riders riding them, and rode them myself. at the world champs ,the world cup, the french cup, and will see them in 2 weeks time at an indoor event. matt, if you cant understand what i wrote, then how can you disagree, www.stikyacommasupyaring.osorrymightlikeit.com will,aaaalllllrrrrriiiigggghhhht then! trials punk, i aint riden with your mate's latley, your right! but then every single world event i attended last year there was only 3 or 4 uk rider's and they wernt any of them. what is street trials? trials is a sport, you ride the section, get a score, usually 5 for me but then thats sport ,sumone gotta lose. street, is street, you go out jump off stuff do a tree sixty endo wheely, thats not a trial! mike, i dont have a koxx bike. blp: bottom lip protruding. and goin by the reaction my post had ,then its blp's all round. warning! do not ride with bottom lip hanging down, it may get caught in freewheel! rob. hehe
  17. this is my opinion, for any one that care's and let me just say none of my comments are suposed to be personal. out of the whole list i think there is only 4 riders that i would say were worth paying to see ride gille, vince,benito and cesar. ok perhaps then the uk guy's ben, ben and jame's, afterall they are world champs and i could see why a young lad/new trials rider would want to watch them. mart and mart sounds harsh but i think they had their day and allthough do alot for the sport and are what some call the pioneers of mtb trials in the uk, they just aint of the level any more. cris and danny, bmx is at the other side of the room. the rest of the guy's just street riders that you could go to allmost any town center in the uk and see these days. now as i said im not lookin for an argument just what i think, based on having wached the worlds best riders at world cups, french cups, world champs, indor trials across erope id like to see. danni comas, world champ, realy nice guy, very entertaining carlos diaez, very impressive rider, top bloke, top 5 in the world uci gille coust, just barmy, unique riding style, top 10 in the world benito, you guys just love to see him sidehop ,world champ marc vinco, most entertaining demo rider i ever saw vinc hermance, another unique riding style, top 10 in the world rafal cumerosqui (sp). never seen anyone ride sectoins so fast marco hosal, crazy 20" rider, comitted sportsman.top 5 in the world danny butler, uci rankin for 2004 4th in the world, unique riding style and level in the uk ben slinger, world champ(allthough it is biu), impesive on 20" now let the insults and critisisms roll in! and look out for the BLP's
  18. if you were to pick two of them up, then the weight is about half that.
  19. i never used to think trials shoe's would make a differance , i bought some hebo shoes once and they were toss so i just stuck to trainers and stuff. then i had some ribo's. just borrowed to try at first but i found they were good seem to improve the feel you get from the bike and grip to the pedals realy well. had mine a good 6 months and overs the first few i used them every day, ridins pickin up ageb with the weather and the same shoes will be out. proper good shoe's. rob.
  20. sounds like it gonna be a good night, il be there if its ok, and i can finish work early infact forget work il go. lol. see you there guy's. o providing i don't get lost! i recon you may well hit the 50 rider limit easy. should still be good thow. :D rob.
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