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Everything posted by robonatomz

  1. looks like its gonna be a hot one, cant wate to get ridin there again the last trial there was good and this time we have the propper rules, lol. see you gays on sunday! rob
  2. mines in the post all the way half a mile up the road to your house dave cant wate, i managed to blag the day off work , and its a bostonkin venue, with lots of veriety. not just sidehops and not just run ups, everything in one place. mad for it! ps watch out for tfp's
  3. dont care what time mate, dan is at work so i got no mate's you know anyone who will come out? dont mind where either realy matlock quarry or braken or whatever yooth.
  5. the trouble with you guys is, you dont evem know you are doing it! YOU ARE THE WORST ONES FOR IT! sounded like a mad trip, just the way mad trips should be! cant wate for the world cup in graz next month! the PA is RIFE!
  6. im just leavin now, got the old vito packed up and ready to truck. should take about 7 hours i think. see you guys up there, if i can find a cap site. lol.
  7. the trial was pretty good, the weather was bad but that cant be helped. i rode 20" for the second time in the last 3 years, wich was funny, dam crazy little things! will be back on the proper size bike for the next comp i think. rob.
  9. wow, i did my ankle like that over a year ago, ignored it but it dent go away, just went all black and blue, ended up having to see a physio in october to have the ligaments re torn and set in the rite place. Very painfull! then put in a cast for 2 weeks. [leg wasted away] and its just gettin back to norm now. So basicly geez make sure its fixed proper before you start to ride again, cuz i didnt and it ended up takin 18 months to get it rite! rob.
  10. sit in the hard shoulder of the m62 and wait for a car with a trials bike on the back to come past, then floor it and follow them there, lol. never fails even if they aint goin there you will end up at some kind of trial. lol. rob
  11. yer man stokie's was a good few hours ridin ode's, was good to meet some new stokie riders. see you next time guy's. see you later dood! rob.
  12. yer, was a mint trial best i done this year so far and cant wate for the next one. glad so many people enjoyed it too and that they thought the sections were good. thanks to everyone who helped to set out, observed and helped tidy up after. see you all at the next one! rob.
  13. so who's cummin then guy's. it looks to be reasonable weather and im assured there will be some mint sections.
  14. iv heard he is taller if he lie's down! phil williams ladys and gentlemen. masive dong!
  15. if you pay 70 note's for a frame then id say you cant realy complain if it doesent last very long. rob
  16. yer, we were all gutted but the sections were covered and it would have been to dangerouse for a comp to take place, i managed to ride for about 10 mins but my brake froze and i fell on ma ass more than normal. allso it would have been too harsh on the observers, it was realy windy, cold and snowy about the worst combination for standing still outdoors all day. thanks to dave and his family, as i know a lot of work went into this first event, new flags,punchcards etc and properly laid out, compleatly taped out sections. just because the trial was cancelled due to the weather conditions doesent mean any less work went into it! rob.
  17. danny doesent use the fornellies forks his are one's that him and his dad developed. the only gut i know with the origonal fornalies ones is rick eyre. pretty sure they are just carbon legs with no alu down the center. rob
  18. warm the end fittings up with a lighter, blowtorch or sumat then push them straight in whilst they are still hot. can use plyers to hold both the fitting and the hose, but the proper blocks and a vive would work much better rob
  19. "omly drive if it nessessary" you cant get much more nessessary than driving to a trials. besides. driving in the snow is 100 percent nessessary anyway! lol
  20. yer i think it is realy bad for you. i have back/neck ache. but then i did break them a few years ago so i cant put that all down to trials. the knuckles on my fingers dont work properley any more, my wrist's hurt from time to time and make big cracking noises. i get really bad pains in my fore arms, and have problems with my shoulder, locking and acheing. my knee's used to hurt but havent been for a while . but my worst injerie is my left ankle, it apsolutley game over! i ruptered the ligament in it and dent know so i carried on ridin for a year then eventually went to see a physio, this resulted in the ligament having to be re rupterd and reset in the correct place and my leg puttin in a cast for 2 weeks. now 3 months on i just did my first proper comp since. and iv fallen off and recked the same ankle. im off to see the physio later today to see what the bad news is. if he cant put it right then trials may be a thing of the past for me. he allready say's that the damage iv done will have reprocutions in the future. and now i may have knackered my ankle for good. but hey, it is all good fun and there is no better feeling than when your out on the old bike. looks like i better start looking for a new hobbie. lol rob.
  21. tom man, what has happened to the legendary zip shorts?
  22. pants are esential, preferably tite ones to stop you balls from bouncing around, then just some trakkies and a tee shirt, also socks are good, must be comfy ones. cuz you feet take a beeting at trials. and some trials shoes if its for comps, i think ribo are about the best of the bunch. rob. o yer allways use protection. a helmet is a must, gloves are very 'handie' and shinpads if you dont like the site of blood!
  23. just a cheap shitty grinder seems to be best, i bought a realy powerfull one thinking it would be better bot its either too smooth or it tries to cut my rim in half dont know what the rpm is but is 1200 w or sumat. actually you know what . this is a realy sad topic. we all must be teribly bored!
  24. wish my van did 36 to the gallon im luky to see 30 and thats when i drive like my nan. go get a car would be my answer(although you banned it) if i can afford one then any one can, i work in a shop for go sake! still for things such as the jurney to work, i prefer to take my bike. its faster because of the trffic and it doesent use any diesel. lol, bit of a ball ach on the way home after a busy day though! rob
  25. you ridin in the day or at night? some of us have jobs to do you know! lol
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