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Everything posted by robonatomz

  1. maybe if you got some of the fit trials riders sisters and girlfriends involved! now that would make a good calender!
  2. you mean gaybar? from mad! legend!
  3. get on it you homo's im defo goin , i love it there at doodwood to, so long as the rain keeps off for a bit cuz the floor turns into porige if it rain! lol
  4. "and improve the overall ease of entering!" k,y jelly or vaseline perhaps?
  5. yer man, you should seriously get down to them! they are the best most well organised trials in this contry at the moment and are a right laff to ride at. lots of good sections and lots of good pissing about! rob
  6. best trial ever! check out the photo's in the riding photo's section/thingy of this forum thingy. rob
  7. i went up to the show at the velodrome to look at them and i have to say they are pretty dam good for the money, i am most impressed at the 3oo pound one, its got a rear v and front cable disc, same frameset as the most expensive one and for a compleat bike at 300 rides really well, weelbase is 1075 and the bb is pluss 5 mm. i managed to blag a quick ride on one outside the velodrome on a few little rails and stuff, it feels realy good and hard to believe its only 300 note's. the 500 pound one crashes quite well too, just ask baz huschkinson! lol. rob
  8. yes oat's the best comp ever! i rode like crap on the saturday, 5th in expert. but then had a ret pisser on the duel trial sat night and rode pretty well on sunday coming 2nd to aureilien fontenoy, the junior world champ, although he was on his 20" due to the airline loosing his other bike! lol the freestyle moto trials guy's were nutts and the 1 and a quarter backflips he did looked ret painfull! fantastic organisation fantastic competition fantastic beer! 100 euro's for coming 9th in the speed trial, ever when my first race was against gaicamo! gay hair on sat night and fit french girlys marks out of 10, i'd giver her one! rob
  9. what? carsington is a beast of a venue! part from the cow's, lol
  10. kenda nevegal, 2.35 stick-e single ply, bostonkin tyre's with a 2.5 nevegal stick-e duel ply on the back. they allso make a 2.7 but it wont fit mant frames. rob
  11. best i ever ran for street was 18:14, changedto 18:15 recently though, better for comps i think, allthough i cant get up as high. rob
  12. i had been using 18 14 for ages i thought it was good for going forward at stuff and gave some ret good speed on 3 or 4 pedal run ups. but i have just gone a little easyer to 18 15 and it seems a little better, bit more controlled and easyer to side hop. lost a bit of pedal gap distance but can get up stuff from just a left right run up a lot better. think i might like to try something between the two, if any of you boffins could come up with a ratio that works out between, 18 14 and 18 15. rob
  13. any one out ridin natteral this sunday at either braken rocks or somewhere round that way or even as far up as backquawm quarry or anywhere?
  14. it was from a small rock the other side remember the floor is sand so not that good for take off, lol. still quite large though.
  15. Got back at about 1 this morning, and i have to say it was one of the best events ever. the sections were all on the beach, man made and rocks sticking out of the sand. there was tunes blasting out all day. (thankyou dj eric!) there was 100's of spectators (of which, many were hot women). the sun was out , and the sections were awesome. Danny B won the qualification, and i qualified in 10th place. and then in the semi final Dan finished 6, i think ,to take him to the final. and i finished 13th. After a quick picnic with a hot french girl ,the final got underway,(the maddest sections iv seen ever) i think in the end Danny finished 6th or 7th and i think vincent won. however i'm not entirely sure because we had to bustle off pretty sharpish to catch a ferry. Bring on the next one in september F and T
  16. IM NOT FAT, JUST BIG BONED! I like the colour of the frame if that maks you happy! lol. i noticed the other day that old hawes replica giant frames are on offer i might get a few inif this is the way people are going with frames. lol. its like we'v gone full circle. if you want a bias statement : you should all sack your long bikes off and your short bikes. get rid of your +50mm bb's and your +0mm bb's and get a jb! its in the middle of everything. it rocks! 10/4 over and out tfp's
  17. So by some peoples logic surely all cars should be single seat carbon fibre super cars doing 10mpg 'cos they have better performance? Its all about what you like in a frame. I notice much of this "so much for product development" crap is coming from onza buffs . I DONT EVEN RIDE AN ONZA. i just think its an old fashion design. sorry forumites i forgot you guys know best. it makes me laff hoe you put a picture of a bikr up, ask what people think of it and then when we tell you, you spit you dummies out. well i like disagreeing with you guy's it entertains my quiet days at work. T,F,P'S
  18. sounds to me like your i bit too sarcastic. woop de doo basil, its made of ti. its justlike a steel frame but twice the price, somebody get me a tissue! as for the geo it dont look anything speacial. and its got a seat how does a seat help in any way. you cant get of the side of the bike and realy lean it over if it has a seat. I have a bike with a seat, Its for doing cross country. it looks less of a trials frame and more a street frame. sorry i just cant get exited over it, seen it done loads of times before. i prefer to see somthing new, like the onza duel frame and the new danny b frame, even the new monty mr comas was on the other week. rob
  19. looks like all the old pashley's and similar frames from years ago. so much for product development. rob.
  20. i like the first frame. allthough the tubes have a small diameter they have taken measures to make them stronger. they are ribbed underneith. and the head/down tube area looks sweet. it feels realy light not sure of the exact weight.(sorry if its already been put up but cant be assed to read 3 pages of posts) its good to see a different looking frame for a change and i would love to get o go on one to see what the flex is like, and how the extra width on the top tube affect the rider. its built to the same geo as the limey i believe so shouldent be any problem there. the 20" frame looks a beast. a bit on the heavy side, but then it seemed super strong and i like all the cut away gusset type bits on it. a bit like danny b's new frame! rob
  21. its not all that expensive to get to a world cup realy, mate. gratz is one of the more expensive but still not all that bad. the whole trip cost me around 300, including my flights. not at all bad when it will probably cost around 150 for me to the devon round of the british! and gratz is 10 times the event! rob
  22. just post it you fag, if your king is dead just use it anyway it will be entertianing watching you crash! seriously though, its a good venue and the sections will be mint, there is a proper veriety at carsington. get you entry in the post in the next 20 mins , with a 1st on it and pat will be up the ymca drive with it int mornin! yer man! fish and tater, gays
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