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knappers !!!

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Everything posted by knappers !!!

  1. kme collapse chains are wicked in design but they also offer a lot more strength than most
  2. ha ha thats a great image ! ha ha thats one great image ha ha !!
  3. go foam there the way to go www.cleanbikes.co.uk sell em tryall ones are 6 quid and monty ones are a fiver
  4. iff your doing big statics turn slightly in mid air by kicking your bum and legs out and you'll get further and dont forget that wiggle !!!!!!!!!
  5. brake set-up , plazmatics , grind,all you need m8
  6. you guys are mental biggest sidehops going !!!!! pure nutters !!!!
  7. dude scooter trials rox !!! but doing tailwhips and stuff is more fun good times
  8. sik man i have learned to gap to front wheel now. 6 ft 2 inches to front wheel keep it up dude
  9. ha ha jack barnes is the don at these !!!!! aparently you have to start static with your brakes fully locke and switch your motion from one side to the other frantically then keep your body centered over the front wheel
  10. your never too old have a good time with it dude !!!!
  11. heatsink ones are the way to go
  12. iff your riding trials with a bmx chrome rim wont it fall apart ..........
  13. good riding dude wheres that spot ?
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