I would like to suggest a Rover 214/ 216... Many of these "grandad car's" have spent most of their time in a garage, only being used for the weekly shop etc... therefore you can pick one up cheap, and it will still be in excelent condition. The 214 has 103 Bhp, which isn't bad as a standard 1.4L, and they are very practicle cars, and relativly cheap to insure aswell.
Deffinatly an option if you ask me :ermm:
EDIT: My grandad has a 216, and he was looking to get a new car, so he went to a garage to find out about a part exchange, they offered him £300 for an M reg, with 44,000 miles on the clock, so he has decided not to sell... If you can find someone who has had a similar experience, then i bet you could get yourself a right bargin :blink: