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Egg Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Egg Fried Rice

  1. the forks are the perfect length as you can see the bottom triangular is dead level.
  2. 11 days to go, so whos definitley going? John K
  3. im afraid not mate, its just been built, cost over £1400 over £2 years!
  4. heres a couple of pics for you too browse at comments are welcome. thanks John K
  5. ive got one problem though, my bash plate bolts have been rounded off from the previous owner but i havent got a clue on how to get them out. any suggestions? thanks John K
  6. cheers onza t-pro rider! fantastic guide mate. even took the time and effort just for me, someone validate this guy! but with gloss paints you dont need laquer though do you?
  7. thats got to to be a sixth form prom though right? it must be cos it hasnt happened yet and u was born in 1988. sounds like a nice prom though. GCSE's proms are just boring. our sixth prom wil;l be much better as you can invite anyone you want.
  8. i have decided to get rid of my greeny coloured t-pro and spraying it black with custom sticks on it. i will post pictures of it when its done. has anyone got any tips on the spraying part? John K hi all, i have now sprayed my t-pro and here she is before and here she is after the spray thanks comments much appreciated if your thinking of spraying your bike too, all the advise i can give you is just be patient. you cannot spray a bike in 1 day without specialist equipment. it took ojust over 3 days to spray my bike and i am very happy with it. if you need help just look at the posts other people have posted below. they are very helpful and helped me and i would like to thank them for helping me. John Kan the china man
  9. i'll have to ask him, this was about 9 years ago. i'll get him to get some piccies when i next speak to him
  10. for the full 26" vinco but just smaller, the BB height is crazy on it but im not too sure wheter its out
  11. hm....we won our first game, but be honest, we played absolute bollocks second half and the ref was soooo one sided. John K
  12. if you want style and all the girls this is what you should be need
  13. why would you wanna get pissed before the prom anyway. you probably wont be able to get in and it will ruin it for other people such as your prom date.
  14. very nice and stylish, hey are u gonna go to the GCSE ride?
  15. whats gonna look more wank. turning up in style in a nice pimp car/limo or coming out a SCHOOL mini bus with ballons thinking your the A-team? i thought the A team had only 4 or 5 people in it? so how does that work if theres 18 of you?
  16. this has got to be the pimpest limo in the country, theres only one in the country. i wish i went it in
  17. i think it was a disused one held at Goodwood Festival of Speed and he knew the guy or some sort of contact and managed to get it to the prom but he was sooo lucky he could land it at the school. you'd probably die trying to get out that thing but would be one of the best ways of turning up
  18. haha was is on the 12th of may lol (probably wont remember that far) and its a hummer not a jeep lol
  19. are you talking about onzaboymark?
  20. 11's fine! you can make it, how far do you live from southampton?
  21. on the onza website it tells you why they done that with the "swoopy" chainstay. think its to stop your chain from hitting the frame.
  22. today i put my foot back tooo far and slipped for the first time ever oh my god the pain was crazy! now i have a twated bone and its all numb. got to be the worst feeling ever
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