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Egg Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Egg Fried Rice

  1. of course im excited, i havent been on a decent ride for aaaaaaages! and plus GCSE's are over so theres more reason to be excited. thanks John Kan the china man
  2. i done my frame yesterday, looks great now, im glad i sprayed it, altogether it cost me £25 for enough paint to spray my frame, the forks, and the stem all together i had 2 medium cans of paint, 2 medium cans of laquer and 1 medim can of laquer all with at leaset 2-3 coats of each. HAVE A LOOK thanks John Kan the china man
  3. ok mate, as long as they arrive by wednesday im not bothered John K
  4. woah! was he talking about cucumbers? i didnt really understand, or is it cos im chinese? John Kan the china man
  5. my uncle is one of those chinese herbal medicine people and he told me this remedy and it bloody works! 1. buy some honey 2 get one table spoon of honey and put in it a cup 3. pour hot/warm water and stir until all honey has melted 4 wait until it has cooled down 5 then drink it + its nice and by the way this is a permanent remedy. you must do this everyday for about 3-4 weeks and also its healthy. i used to have hayfever and alot of my mates did to but i told them this remedy and we know have no more hayfever effects try it thanks John K
  6. hi all this is my t-pro but you may notice its a different colour cos i sprayed it. thanks to all the guys who has given me tips about how to spray etc i originally bought this bike like this for £100 spent some money on it and this is how it is today too much tar i think i am very happy with this bike especially i didnt pay alot for it and it is a great bike to learn on. i am going to get some stickers made for it but i dont know what, if anyone has any ideas please share them with me thanks comments are welcome John Kan the china man
  7. as this topic is up, does anyone know the wheelbase for t-pros? thanks John K
  8. 5 days till the ride woo! and ive just finished spraying my bike, now i have to biuld it back together thanks John Kan the china man
  9. i wouldnt have a clue at this moment in time, i need to get some printed first but will post back when i do thanks John K
  10. i know a printing company that makes stickers, would anyone be interested in them as a novelty? lol John K
  11. cos chinese writing looks good and im chinese too thanks John K
  12. they represent the sound as chinese lauguage is really weird as you may know yourself thanks john kan
  13. hey guys i was really bored so i decided to get my friend (Dominic Lai) to help me translate the stickers that you get from tartybikes and selectbikes and this is what he done for me. here www.tartybikes.co.uk and here is selectbikes.com what do you think haha John Kan the china man i may even put them into production and sell them lol
  14. hmm....difficult one this, it all depends on what feels best for you really, to be honest you just have to try out different stems, bars, different amount of spacers ETC. there isnt really a height where your suppose to have you bars, its all personal preference. thanks John kan the china man
  15. yeah thats the trials version of the "superman" John Kan the china man
  16. 1 inch endo, shit scary but worth it if you can pull it off lol jokes urm.....i think the best trick would have to be just spins like 180/360 off of objects and stuff, i aqlways think there cool thanks John Kan the china man
  17. woo, we may have a camera man lol just finished my last exam, finally i can burn my books. it was science, it was piss see y'all there thanks John Kan the china man
  18. i would buy one. sorry i didnt read any of the other posts. did anyone mention when it'll be out?? thanks John K
  19. one week to the ride wooo! who still has there exams and wont be able to come? thanks John K
  20. hahahaha Benny you have another cool picture our homeland! those drinks are nice lol John K
  21. a hoodie would be too hot for riding but in winter it would be good, maybe a t-shirt with pdadded backing thanks John K
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