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Egg Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Egg Fried Rice

  1. or is it a new chain and its still streching? thanks John Kan the china man
  2. here my baby i also have a new rear wheel thanks John Kan the china man
  3. i ahevnt go any, plus they have to be the right cartridge size otherwise my steerer tube will be loose thanks anyways guys see you tomoz John kan the china man
  4. lol what i sed was actually a load of shite, i sed the same things twice "you can do anything on pallets and practice anything on them" WTF?!? in others just use pallets John Kan the china man
  5. get some crates, you can do anything with crates and practice anything with them. thanks John Kan the china man
  6. updated with pics , first post thanks John Kan
  7. i was wondering wheter the echo hubs are good or not as i bought one the other day LINK thanks John Kan the china man
  8. come on people, someone must have a internal headset cane creek cartridge bearing thanks John Kan the china man
  9. but not any more right? lol ok mate, thanks anyways John Kan
  10. thanks furball, yeah tomtom if youve got one for me to borrow or anything i will appreciate it very very very very very very very much thanks John kan the china man
  11. i will dont worry thanks for everything guys, i can now leave that feeling behind thinking that ive got a dogdy rim lol thanks John Kan the china man
  12. urm will that affect the strength of the wheel? thanks John Kan
  13. urm....i cant remember, i think it just looks thick on the camera but in reality there just normal sized i think John Kan the china man
  14. i got a new rim and hub but when i recieved it from my LBS it just looks weird the ends of the spokes where the flange is, are covered up by other spokes, im not sure wheter its suppose to be like that. thanks John K
  15. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my onza internal headset bearing has just come to pieces, if any one has 1 bearing set for internal headset please please please please bring it with them tomorow fior me to borrow or buy or i cant go if you dont know what they look like its one of these LINK LINK LINK look for one! lol thanks John K
  16. me too furball, i need someone to help me tension my spokes my best mate is now not coming with me cos hes got work thanks John Kan
  17. just say "i dont like things up my arse"
  18. i have a friend that uses a C2 and he said the only reason he uses a C2 is because that he can float the brake before the "bite" comes along instead of the having the "bite" straight away on the mono. thanks John Kan the china man
  19. haha thats why i got them for free, cos the kid who had them last bent them so he gave them too me. i hacksawed the bent bit off and used them.
  20. lets get something straight im not saying that to be criticise, target you, put you on the spot or anything like that, im just trying to remember some people that i met from the DJ ride but it looks like you got the wrong end of the stick. but there was also no need for the mouthy comebacks either. i know i could of said something else to "recognise" you like saying your the kid that rides a pimped up zoo! but to be honest i think saying that would just make me jealous and plus many other people at the DJ ride had pimped up zoos anyway so it could of been anyone. i am sorry if i upset you or anything in any way and i do not like to have any feuds between other riders thanks John Kan the china man
  21. hey tom tom, was you the one that fell over or something and cut your hand open and called the ambulance at the DJ ride? John K
  22. i have these stickers on my bike so im obviously not gonna put anything stupid John K
  23. Onza do a CNC ready made rim grind on their rims LINKY its about half way down thanks John K
  24. you have to do it for about 3-4 weeks before it permanantly "heals" thanks John Kan
  25. There titanium mate and i got them for free so i cant complain thanks John Kan the china man
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