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Egg Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Egg Fried Rice

  1. oooo 3rd one i think Do a polll!! JK
  2. when i snapped mine i: 1) clean cut the end off 2) took the barb fitting off the brake itself 3) put the hose in a vice, leaving about 1 and a half CM out the tip of the vice. Do not over tighten though. 4) Then tap the barb fitting into the end of the hose. job doneee JK
  3. Where are you planning to get them? I want some but can't find any decent sites in the UK. My friend has some and they are amazing he said. JK
  4. My mums BMW doesn't have the smokers package and and cigarette lighter is just a plastic plug that just covers up the hole so i'm guessing you get the real thing with the smokers package. JK
  5. Basic ear lobe piercing on the left ear with a 'titanium' threaded ball (save weight innit) JK
  6. That, mr larkins...was WICKEDDDD man Very chilled and smooooooooooooooooooooooth I see you have silver bars Did you do the caustic soda thing then? JK x
  7. i starting riding not last january but the last, and i can;t sidehop that high! actually, i can't even sidehop JK
  8. Try boiling them for a while in water. I remember when i got my refills from heatsink i never used any glue, just popped them on and they are still fine. JK
  9. When i get the hetmet and tried it out etc i'll write a review but then again i havent tried the xen. JK
  10. Hellllllllo I've just ordered one of these but i am not sure how many people are aware of this fairly new helmet from Fox. I think it looks awesome and its very similar to the xen but £20 cheaper at £69.99. Thought i'd share it with you peoples. JK
  11. 1.4 2003 Fiesta Zetec, got a quote from Swinton and it was £3800 with PassPlus it will go down to £2500. I hate insurance prices. JK
  12. Do a poll dudeeeeee Are you sure you want your life/career decided by people that ride bikes with no seats JK
  13. Blue (da ba dee) - Eiffel 65 Thats classic for you JK
  14. Ah wicked, i work at currys/PC world (DSG) so i should be able to get alot of help from them and discount Things are much clearer now, thank you. JK
  15. Im sure other people will correct me if im wrong but i believe that but the minimum wage for an adult (18+) is £5.35. That is wjat my wages will go up to when i turn 18 in 3 months. JK
  16. Someone told me it was Chris Looks like him too lol ohwell, he shouldnt of said anything! lol JK
  17. Someone did mention that to me lol no is the answer :$ i have no firewire ports though in my PC. But the camcorder did come with a USB, what would that be for if i had to use firewire? Sorry if im being dim, i have to be spoon fed with knowledge JK
  18. For some reason when i connect my camcorder to the PC its not recgnising it, so i was guessing i might need a 'special' programme to recognise this to rip the footage. Im a bit crap on this subject btw lol JK
  19. Hello all Right, my dad has a mini DV camcorder, JVC GD-DX37 to be exact, that i want to use to make a video but i had no clue how i was going to get the footage off onto the computer. After some research i found out i needed a software called 'imagemixer 1.7'. Apparently it came with the camcorder but i can't find it. I've looked on the internet and i can't download it anywhere either. So really i am asking whether there are any other types of software i can use instead of 'imagemixer'. Any help would be much appreciated JK x
  20. wooooo another Z2 double disc, i love mine. I hear that Zhi has dis-continued 'Zhi' to make Bionics, is this true? JK
  21. Why don't you all shut up? just a suggestion if you don't want to get a reputation of being complete dickheads. Have you met this guy before? have you spoken to him? has he done anything to you that you don't like? I happen to ride with Dan alot and he is a top bloke. Just because he looks or rides like Vincent doesn't make him gay and why should it get on your nerves? You jealous? i bet you are. Revell bikes you shouldn't say much either, your '69inch sidehop' topic shows how much of a dick you are. and why do you have a picture of Chris Doney as your avatar? You want to be like him? awhhhhh how cute.
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