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About AtOm_AnT

  • Birthday 09/07/1989

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  • Bike Ridden
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    Echo Pure 07

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AtOm_AnT's Achievements

Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. To ride with the left foot in front looks very "G" i like it .
  2. The biggest king of gaps of all time !
  3. You are welcome to Sofia and guess what you win a free tour here hahhahaha !
  4. D ! you are like the terminator but instead of bombs you are indestructible with gaps. Hope you get well soon and hope you wont need to go in surgery!
  5. WOOOOOOOOASSSS LIKE A BOSSSS, now all of the moves in the video were ridiculously big hahah be more careful you may hit your head on the moon or something ...
  6. Boy man uncle... N.T. i am so glad that you are back really felt like the old school zoo's that is the f**kin zoo style you and CLS always got it in you.Very powerful dangerous lines as always gaps, drop gaps all kind of ups top notch BUT pleas let the next video be more creative than this this one named 34 really brought out the past years in some special way but lets see the new wave of you.I can wait for your next. Don't you dare broke some rims.... hahahah
  7. Woooolzarssssss.... You ride with so much grace perfectly smooth riding skills , so inspiring... the spots look really fun too. Am yeah and the bike is gorgeous!
  8. I would never consider riding this thing if i scratch it i will probably go like emo style and ammm f**k eat a sandwich with a knife in the middle of it hah. Its very beautiful wow !
  9. Boy... that was excellent such a cool style it really gets me it to the mood to go outside and amm... just ride my bike so much power and balance ow yeah and grace too f**kin A plus video! The edit was perfect too.
  10. When i saw him on the Pure it made the video much, much more interesting to watch really. And yeah there were some footage that i have never seen before. A++++ video in my opinion the edit was so smooth... liked it allot and the ridding was so cool i "jizz in my pants"
  11. Wow that was one horror song... i really did not like it. The riding is great just drink more alcohol and every thing will be ok : D
  12. Always beast at does gaps ... never fail to empress me. Everything is okey just ride more pleas in 2010 at least 20 30 videos hahahahah! Cheers Neil!
  13. Wow yeah why do you want to do that !?
  14. He moves like a bee .... f**k he is faaaaaaaaast and super springy so inspiring moves. Pearsonly i loved the ridding but the editing is big big crap wow ...
  15. Aaaaaaaaaf maaaaan that is just kind a sick and wrong it is just not right. Your bike would be litter than your IPOD soon, aaaaaaaaf sick!
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