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About Tango

  • Birthday 11/14/1987

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    Soon to be a mod Will update when one comes along :D

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    Ice Hockey Trials and more Ice Hockey
  • Location
    Inverness, Scotland

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. The questions says to say what the material is doing at that point basicly to explain what is solid liquid or paste and whats temp and % of the propertys of the material. If you get what I mean I think they were asking for those nice long words partz said I seem to remeber the guy going on about that it was over a year ago you see >.<
  2. That sounds familiar great help lads time to hand this in and get my HND so I can go offshore. Sometimes I wonder why they put this into a electrical engineering course lol.
  3. Thats given me enough to get it done i think ye i will google to find the exact names of the points thanks for the help
  4. As it says in the title Got a outcome to finnish but havent a clue what this diagram means plus notes dont solve this. This is the question need to answer, Describe what is happening to the material at these points. X - E - B - D - F - Any Help is welcomed
  5. Anyone for some swiming Should hopfully get it sprayed soon said that almost 6 months ago lol.
  6. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=606078
  7. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=474989 There you go is that the one you mean ?
  8. http://FantasticContraption.com/?designId=529936 ^^
  9. How about this beast! I lol'd
  10. Up the stairs in less than 1 second Up the Stairs!
  11. Is it only me that loves the rain For me rain is much better than when its sunny just because I find that when the sky is filled with clouds its much nicer looking than when its pure blue and also most of the time in a better mood when its raining.
  12. What happens is you cant read black on white but you find it easyer to read say black on yellow, cant tell you how it works but it does It somehow makes every thing clear. EDIT: I might as well add that with my dyslexia I sometimes say number plates wrong but when someone says thats wrong I am like ye I said this and they then say yes thats right. Also I am quite poor at spelling but I can do complex numbers easly with out realy putting to much thought into it.
  13. Got a Norco six.3 with 888 forks, I do a bit of Dirt jumping and downhill tis a good bike.
  14. Tango

    Mike Hayes

    trialsforum , 5 o'clock bethere or be square!
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