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Franksx2005 last won the day on March 10 2011

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About Franksx2005

  • Birthday 03/06/1985

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  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Echo SL 2011 - 8.86kg
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Cars, Bikes and the Railway
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Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. How comes you don't have the sticky light on the rear, they are the best tyre by far imo.
  2. Looking good mate, which ones mine? Black stem on the 26 would be better lol.
  3. For A 26" I've never had a pinch running a try-all sticky lite with a continental tube. You can not beat that combo and it's also aega light combo.
  4. Try amazon, I got a spare copy of tricks and stunts you could have cheap. A track stand is basically balancing on the spot, All will be explains in the art of trials.
  5. What bike did you go for in the end and how old is he? I would suggest watching the art of trials by Ryan leech and ticks and stunts DVD first (maybe watch it your self then relay the information to him to learn) Get him to learn how to track stand first, it's the move that links all moves! It will be hard as it will seem boring to a youngster but it really is the most used and most useful move. I would also say don't try running before he can walk, while he is learning maybe just get him to ride around very tight corners and rolling over a couple of pallets ect. Maybe riding along a planks of wood. Start small, then work up. Small logs would also be a good start. If he has not rode a trials bike before it will feel very strange with the long stem so just riding and getting used to it is a start. Good luck.
  6. You first post was spot on, ryan just needs to listen and take note, as said if he has sent it when he said he has nothing to worry about.
  7. Ryan, don't reply to these people, you are making your self look bad, they are all jumping on the bandwagon and this thread is going off topic. You need to find that receipt, with out out you won't be able to claim your money back from royal mail if they have lost it. Once you find the receipt go to the post office and get a claim form from them. If you have sent it when you said you did you have no reason to justify your self to the doubters, just go through the motions with the post office.
  8. Meeting Scott Wilson at Herne Bay sea front tomorrow at 11am. Everyones welcome. 07896309926 if anyone wants to contact me to arange meeting.
  9. Me and scott Wilson are riding, call or text me to see where you wanna ride.
  10. Personally I think up should all stop jumping to conclusions until it's been proven that he didn't post on the said date. If Ryan has sent them then there is nothing he can do until after 15 working days anyway. If he has sent them when he said he has every right to come on here being pissed off! There is a lot of if's I know but we will find out soon. On another note the cheek of someone getting involved who is not exactly a great seller them self.
  11. Royal mail don't class mail as lost till after 15 working days, so he can't do anything about it till then. When you receive the parcel it will tell you the date it was posted. Every dealing I've had with Ryan has been good.
  12. Alex, me and Darren hill are riding herne bay from 6 if you want to join us. Text me
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