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Everything posted by motox15

  1. this is my bike! http://www.bolt.com/trialslad/photo/1758629
  2. my m8 has got a try all, they really awesome! get 1, i am
  3. any wanna buy or swap my monty or swap + money? http://www.bolt.com/trialslad/photo/1758629 SPEC: Frame : Monty 221 PRO Bars : Monty riser Stem : Monty 221 Headset : FSA Cranks : Acs 18T Chain : Kmc Kool Cog : Onza 12T Rear Hub : Viz Anodised Red Front hub : Hope Anodised Red Front Rim : Echo Cnc'd Rear Rim : Echo Cnc'd Front brake : Magura Louise Rear Brake : Magura HS33 Monty 50MM Pads Grips : Massis LOck on Grips Brand New! Pedals : Onza Shin Dig
  4. any wanna buy or swap my monty or swap + money? http://www.bolt.com/trialslad/photo/1758629 SPEC: Frame : Monty 221 PRO Bars : Monty riser Stem : Monty 221 Headset : FSA Cranks : Acs 18T Chain : Kmc Kool Cog : Onza 12T Rear Hub : Viz Anodised Red Front hub : Hope Anodised Red Front Rim : Echo Cnc'd Rear Rim : Echo Cnc'd Front brake : Magura Louise Rear Brake : Magura HS33 Monty 50MM Pads Grips : Massis LOck on Grips Brand New! Pedals : Onza Shin Dig
  5. if take wheels off yh, look for times cos i dont think there is 1 to louth now, u need the number 10 bus
  6. well wenever ur free, i will come, i bin ridin 6-7 months
  7. soz no but i guna try n get there on monday
  8. yer there quite a few, if u go on my bolt profile i got vids of people in louth the link is http://www.bolt.com/trialslad/video/
  9. someone new, u say u got day off monday, i will come to lincoln thn if you wnat cos louth is borin, what bike u ride, u got any vids?
  10. u use msn? my addie is trialslad1991@hotmail.com
  11. yh i live near lincoln, i been there before it rele cool place to ride! maybe we can meet cos am bored of louth!
  12. i live like 30 mins from there, it hols now, so cud come ridin there?
  13. i got a monty 221 pro now with rele good spec, forks:monty (F wheel): Hope hub,Echo rim, (R wheel): Viz hub, Echo rim bars n stem: monty cranks: onza muscleman (F Brake): Magura louise, (R Brake): maggy hs33 (monty pads) headset: fsa http://www.bolt.com/trialslad/photo/1746493 anyone wanna swap or oat for like zoo or echo + money????
  14. on a python the wheel base is 1045, what is it on the zip?
  15. ryt guys this shud be the link straight to the 3 min version http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...04&q=megamo
  16. i have been riding for 6-7 months, all the riding is in louth, lincolnshire
  17. this is my new video on my megamo http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6...69&hl=en-GB
  18. dan we use water and antifreeze, but now i am just using water but it works the same! its jus tht ur warranty is straight out the window! will
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