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Everything posted by Billy

  1. Looking sweet! Pretty brave running a beauty like that with no bash!
  2. Does your uni not offer any bursaries or grants? All in all for the next academic year, I'll be getting about £3500. I cant see me spending all that at all, especially with living at home.
  3. Aha! My friend just showed me the Joey Lawrence article, he's incredible. I didn't know there was any tutorials or anything, thanks for that!
  4. Haha, its a terrible name for a genre of music I know, but unfortunately its stuck. Come have a listen on Saturday!
  5. Well, I've made good friends with the promoters sorting their tour out, and I'm taking the whole band out for tea before the show, and then partying it up afterwards, so I can't imagine I'll be too nervous. They sound a lot like bands like Shellac, Faraquet, Medications, Oxes etc. Terrifyingly sharp math rock. I've spoke to them about it all, they can't wait to do it, and I have pretty much unlimited access and time with them. I can't wait! Thanks for the reply Joe
  6. Tips ***! Basically, one of my favourite bands from the states (Cinemechanica) are coming over, and I've managed to get my band a show with them, and I have a shoot with them aswell. I have my D200, 50 1.8, Sigma 12-24, two SB-800's and an SB-600 at my disposable. I was wondering if any of the other photographers on here (and I know theres a few cracking ones) have any advice? I've shot live bands on an infinite number of occasions, but never any kind of promo shots for them. I'll hopefully (most probably) have tripods/stands for the flashes, and a wireless system for when the time comes. Any lighting advice? Where best to position the guns, settings etc. I have some ideas in mind, but I can't find any similar examples yet. Thanks for reading!
  7. My band are playing a halloween gig, we're going as horses
  8. You must be fooking joking pal. Saxos are group 3? I really doubt either of those are cheaper than a saxo!
  9. I've got about a medium, and theyre beasty
  10. Billy

    Best Ever Vid

    Select Postal, without a doubt. And the AndyT videos
  11. My Saxo SX 1.1 is £1700 fully comp, my Dad the main driver, me as named. I get no claims too
  12. Nobodys gonna know Coppull! Anyways, best of luck for the future Dave. I didn't think riding in Chorley could get any worse, but now it has
  13. Is anyone on here having as much trouble with student finance as I am? Basically, I'm completely f**king skint until I find a job, and doing a photography course, its pretty heavy on the wallet. Theyve only recently got back to me, asking for more details off my parents about something, and they want proof of ID, by sending off my passport or birth certificate to my local whatever, or going in with them. The website is completely and utterly useless, and every one of the 100,000 times I've rung the wankers, they've put me on hold forever. What the hell do I do? I don't know how to give these details they want from my parents, I don't know what to do with my passport I need this bloody bursary, I need new lenses! :angry:x200
  14. Pretty much what I was gonna say. And if you haven't already sorted a stem, I strongly recommend getting the 120 x 17 Pazzaz one from Tarty EDIT - Not in stock Something with similar geo though. When I switched to that stem, my Base instantly rode around 100,00,000x better.
  15. That looks great, apart from the gold bash/bars
  16. I'm partial to the odd joint, but I'd never touch any pills or coke. Couldn't pay me.
  17. Spot on. I can drive now, but if I wasn't allowed because of this law, and subsequently couldnt drive to uni or to liverpool to see my girlfriend, which both probably use about £5-6 in petrol, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be spending £9 on a f**king train ticket.
  18. Looks good. At least theres no green on it!
  19. Looks great, but those headtubes still terrify me
  20. Probably about 12-15" on a good day
  21. Brick, 10/10, film noir FTMFW
  22. Billy

    Iphone Uk

    Yeah, what do you have? I just think a touch screen would be more of a ball ache to use than just regular buttons that you can actually feel working
  23. Billy

    Iphone Uk

    As much as I like I-Pods/Macs, I really couldn't care less about the I-Phone. Yeah, its got all these features etc. but like someone else said, I use my phone as a phone. Not a shitty quality camera/mp3 player/email/internet browser/whatever else with a built in phone like most mobiles are nowadays. I'm happy with my Nano, shitty old Sony Ericsson phone and my D200 And touch screen on a phone sounds like a bloody awful idea too I think
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