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Everything posted by _Owen.

  1. thanks for all your fast replys. but i cannot afford koxx or and other expensive pads at the monent. i am on a very tight budget so the montys or the onzas are all i can afford.
  2. hi, i am just about to purchase some new pads and wandering if you guys have used any of these pads and your verdicts on them. i am on a very tight budget so it is either onza citrus or Monty 219XH. i run a mod with a very light gring and i use a bit of tar. if you dont know the pads here is the tarty link http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2096 http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=2003
  3. no i ment you use the white spirit to get the tar off your rim and then rub it off with a cloth.
  4. no the post wasnt really about the grind, because my grind is really light. i was about the cleaning your rim with white spirit. i no grinding is new, i was just wandering if cleaning your rim is. because i have never herd of people doing it.
  5. So, you're saying that having a clean rim, or a grind is a new way to have working brakes? Wow, give the boy a medal n*b. lol surely the idea is to have a brake which holds... yes so when you are trying to hop forwards you want a brake that locks?? well good luck gapping then!!!
  6. i was out riding the other day and put a bit of tar on my rim, but it really stressed me out because it kept sticking and the brake kept locking. so i thought how the hell am i going to get tar of my rim. so when i got home i cleaned my rims with white spirit until all the tar was gone. then after that i did a very light grind on my rear rim, and now my brakes are amazing. no locking and no slipping . was just wondering if any of you keep you rims really clean to make your braking better. or if any one has any weird and wonderful thig they do to make their brakes better rather than the usual grind or tar.
  7. sounds quality i might have to go. do you know were abouts in london it is??
  8. wow. last night i was messing about with my pressures for about an hour. i didnt realise how much difference a couple of psi makes. i no run about 25-30psi and it feels just right for my bikes and my weight (both are alot!) lol. thanks for all the tips, i can now ballance much much better on my back wheel
  9. cheers for all the replys. i am riding tonight so i will let my tyres down a bit and see how i get on.
  10. thanks for the quick replys, but if i do lower my pressures i think i will always get pinch flats because i am always landing on the edge of ledges and stuff. i didnt think about the preloading theory, i may try lower tyre pressures for a day just to test the theory. i could do with more grip and more spring but i could do without forever fixing b*sterd pinch flats. help !!!!!!!!!!
  11. hi all, i run a maxxis max daddy on the rear (because i have a crappy onza t-vee with a 20" rear wheel ) and i run around 40-50psi, and have never had a pinch flat or any rear tyre problems, and there is bairly and dents in my rim. so why run such low pressures? i here of people having 20psi n stuff n they complain about rim dents and pinch flats. do you run much lower pressures so that you have more stability on your back wheel because mine is like a rock on the rear and quite hard to get ballance. thanks owen
  12. o sorry. i didnt realise. i didnt use the search tool because my computer is being really really slow atm so i didnt have the extra hour to spare to use the search tool.
  13. What is the biggest gap you have done? you probarly will not have measured it but if you have then i am interested to know. i have just set up a 5 footer in my garden and i was well chuffed when i made it ( that is level, no drops just 5 feet across). 5 feet sounds good to me but i was just curious to see if you have done any bigger or smaller gaps.
  14. i rode one of those a few years back. oh my god they are sooooo cool!!!! really hard to ride though!!!
  15. i am a definate fan of that music some nice riding in there too mate. keep it up
  16. exactly what trialsking 55 said. 4 or 8 grips(if you cut them in half). i have a pair on my bike and i have now scrapped my gloves and blisters or hurting hands are a thing of the past!!!!!
  17. What do you think are the best v brake pads? i was considering buying those pad adapters (where you can put magura pads on v brakes) but im not really sure. just wandering what you think would be my best option? thanks owen
  18. haha sweet game. try doing a whole level on your back wheel. i have just done it lol.
  19. i love it! i want one lol. looks like Quite a nice stock
  20. diamond back bmx to get around on. My onza takes the p**s to ride far.
  21. thanks. but the one from supercycles is for the rear, not the front brake.
  22. Does any one know if there is such a thing as a front disk adapter (to put a disk no the front) because i was thinking of putting a disk on the front of my bike and cant afford new forks just yet. thanks owen
  23. i use tar in lines going towards the hub (if you get me) and it works really well. at first it was too sticky and locked my brake but now it is worn it its fine.
  24. that civic sounds like a well nice motor!! 13.5 sec quater, u must be proud of that!!!
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