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Everything posted by _Owen.

  1. i would deffo go for the avids. just make sure you get some decent pads on them and they will be sweet as
  2. avid speed dial 5!!! i have had mine since i started trials and have never had a problem with them. and now you can get those onza adaptor things (allow maggie pads to be put on vees) they are as good as if not better than maggies. my mate has those maggie adaptors fro v mounts n he has had nothing but trouble with them, they are a right b*tch to set up and always break!! vees are the way forward!!
  3. i dont know how old he is but he has got some serious balls!!! lol. last time i did a big (7foot) drop i broke my bottom bracket .
  4. alrite lads. just thought i would tell you, there is yet another sweet video on tarty http://tartybikes.co.uk/media.php
  5. go high!!!!!! i have about 30psi but i have never dented my rim and never got a pinch flat
  6. if you can get a pic of it built up i can do some different colours on adobie for you
  7. i no!!! i thought it would have been on the new t-pro if anything. do you rekon they will have maggies when they are realeased?
  8. sound alrite mate, but the insurance will pull your pants down for that.
  9. iv got a t-vee at the moment also because of a tight budget but i think it is really nice and easy to ride, perfect beginner bike. and the new one should be even better. but if you can stretch to £300 then you should get the new t-bird, the 07 has a front disk and a better paintjob than this year. hope that help
  10. i dont have a car because im sadly not old enough yet. but i have a passion for cars and love helping my brother do stuff to his xr2i! o ye i like helping my dad do stuff to his scooby aswell lol.
  11. reminds me of my local halfords mechanics!!
  12. you are hardly a novice mate. and your gu looks really nice how long you been riding?
  13. cheers for that mate but that is how i have the spacers at the moment and i think my rim is too wide so it still makes the calipers at a dodgy angle. ye i think i will probably do that now, i cant be arsed with messing about with these adaptors.
  14. i have never tried the koxx but i have had my rock pads on for a few days now and they are the best pads i have every had. they have awsome lock and bite and all that cr*p lol. but i would seriously reccomend the rock pads
  15. i have tried that mate. i have 1 spacer in an when i tried taking it out the pads hit the rim at a huge angle so they dont work at all.
  16. right, today i got my rock pads and my set of those onza v-daptors (allows you to put magura pads onto v-brakes). so as soon as they came i went to fit them (as you do). and they are the hardest thing ever to set up, you either have the pads touching the rim or when you pull the lever it comes all the way back to the bars. i finally set them up so neither of that happens, but now my calipers are pointing like diagonally( i didnt spell that right did i) and every time i pedal my legs hit the calipers. but when my legs arent in the way my god those rock pads are good. sorry about that, i just had to have my little rant!
  17. cheers boys. is it right that the prices for the pads are so cheap on http://www.vizbikes.co.uk/trialsuk/v1/?p=products&cat=57 there. the zoos are lyk £15 including postage. is that right ?
  18. that was sweet(Y). what forks are they you are using?
  19. hi, i was looking through selectbikes.com and i came across these echo v brake pads http://www.selectbikes.com/shop/description.php?prodid=87. i have never seen or herd of these before so something tells me they are no good. but has anyone ever riden a bike with these pads on or does anyone have them themselves and what do you think of them??
  20. ye, i was looking at them, but some people have said that they only last a week or so. do you have a set? is the week thing true? and thanks for all the other fast replys
  21. hi, i am just about to buy a set of new pads, and i wanted some loud ones for a change lol so what pads do you think will be the best for grip and sound. cheers and o ye i have a very light grind and use a bit of tar
  22. what do you guys think of the heatsink snowy pads? http://www.heatsinkbikes.com/?p=brakepads
  23. they look prety snazy. might have to go for them because i have only ever herd good feedback about heatsinks. thanks mate
  24. yes, i dont want to sound like a pri*k but i put those things in my post for a reason. And if any of you have any other cheap pad ideas (like less than £15) feel free to add your ideas and reviews. cheers
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