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Everything posted by _Owen.

  1. Thats gorgeous. Whats it ride like? Never ridden one of these. Owen
  2. If its dry ill deffinately still be going. Forecast is for shite weather though i think. Owen
  3. You love my bike really. Soon, my tyre wont be cable tied to my rim Thought you could deffo get the day off work? What time you working? Owen
  4. If my stuff comes, ill be getting the same train as you most likely. Ill let you know if it comes and if im getting the train. Owen
  5. Meet us in Victoria square. Probably the easiest place to meet as its well sign posted. Do you know where that is? ill be happy to meet you somewhere relitively close to Victoria square. That or new street or moorstreet station. Owen
  6. Indeed i have. As long as this rim i ordered turns up ill be there to give em to you. A temporary bike Owen
  7. No worries, ordered a new one today anyway, Tarty got them on offer. Cheers anyway Owen
  8. Dont pretend your going to come Callum! Ill be there, got me a new bike now! Need a 19inch rear wheel if anyone is coming and has one! See you lot there. Maybe get the train with you Josh if i get the train? Most likely be on the same train anyway. Owen
  9. That is sooooo gorgeous mate! Looks alot better in black. Lush! Im dead jelous. Owen
  10. Gotta find the right one at the right price first. Which is proving harder than i thought. Not sure weather to buy a trails bike or a new motorbike. Ill let you boys know if i get a new bike! Owen
  11. I was in the car and so were you. We turned round, but didnt see where you went. Wish i had a bike to put the spokey dokeys on!! Owen
  12. Reece, i saw you earlier in my area. I was like wtf!!! Presume you rode with Josh? Owen
  13. Group 15 the g40's. And 8 for gt's aint it? Suppose its not too bad, but out of question for a 17 year old. Ye was a pretty stupid thing to say really. Considering they are charged, group 15 is pretty low. Still only a polo though Owen
  14. Your mates have taste!!! Wish they did that blue colour in the Gti. Looks beasty thought that one does. And the mk3 is even better! If only insurance wasnt stupid for the gt or g40's. Lush cars though, both of them! Owen
  15. Looks like you boys need to listen to Jarod! Dont get the point in a boom boom stereo! Or this neon light shit. Doesnt appeal to me one bit. But if you lot want to play music loud in your 1 litres, then go for it, just dont see the appeal myself.
  16. Love this vid. Watched it shizz loads That et looks awsome aswell. Any pics of it? Owen
  17. Right, get off the train (obviously) Go out to the doors of the station. If you look like diagonally left, over the road, there will be some stairs, go up them and carry on through the little passageway thingy. Again, look diagonally left, theres a big road thing with shops on both sides. Follow that all the way up until you get to Victoria square, theres ledges about 5ft high ish. There will most likely be people waiting there. If not, look to your left, there will be a red phone box, and behind it, and big hill going down. So if no ones in Victoria square, go down the big hill and wait at the bottom, thats new street gap. You probarbly best to get someones phone number aswell, just incase you get lost. They will most likely be meeting at 11-11.30. Hope i helped! Owen
  18. You want directions from moorstreet station mate? Can get confusing if you havent a clue. I would come with you, but work, and no bike = b*stard! Owen
  19. How longa the Danny mac bit on this dvd? Thinking about going to get it! Owen
  20. How about neons that flash to the beat?
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