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Everything posted by EchoOz

  1. STOLEN! Two of my friends that i ride with aged 14 and 15 both decided that they would ride milton keynes last saturday, they were riding all the usual spots in mk and thought they would head up to the centre to grab some food (Mc Donalds opposite the point) they go in 1 at a time so they didn't have to leave there bikes, they go and sit down.......BIG GROUP OF CHAVS! run over say the usual crap to distract them and then grab the 2 bikes and leg it! F*cking chavs. The bikes were an Echo team, customized blue and an onza t-bird 06 with a distinctive blue spacer. If you know or hear anything about this please tell me, as i would love to find out who they are! My mates are now out of riding due to the fact of no bike and insurance will only offer 500 for the echo team where as its worth around the 800 mark. Not the 1st time this has happened in milton keynes either! kill a chav! Cheers Oz
  2. Its got to be the XTP rides emence, you should know that, Monsterboy sounds like a childs toy and isnt the best looking bike get an XTP cant go wrong. Oz
  3. looks like it was an awsome ride, gutted i couldnt be there. bessells stack at the end nice one. Oz
  4. Sounds like am awsome ride, gutted i couldnt make it Oz
  5. Dont think i can make it now have a good ride! Oz
  6. YUM! really nice bike. looks mint to ride. Oz
  7. Nice one bessell get the wrong day I DID PICK UP....just not when you rung me i was at work, Give me a ring again let me no what your doing. See you all sunday hopefully Oz
  8. Should be there, hope weather holds out though. Any idea on how many are going to turn up ? Oz
  9. i have heard there is a london ride on the 19th of november whether it is going ahead or not i dont no but i'm sure me and my boys will attend. Oz
  10. Love it!!! really nice vid bessell, love that rail gap to nose onto those concrete blocks, maybe because i was there really enjoyed it. See you soon Oz
  11. Jack i must say that is gorgeous! nice one the tensiles will make it look even more pimp aswel. Oz
  12. Nice one Phill, really nice vid, really enjoyed it. You have improved loads in a short amount of time. Big thumbs up. Oz
  13. good ride today, really enjoyed it have to do it again soon. Some great riding Oz
  14. Ive sent Adam a txt telling him that you are going to be late. He is there all by him self haha im going up in bout an hour or so.
  15. Pure sex to be quite honest. Loved the mbk Oz
  16. Hope weather holds you can park behind the bus station for free that would be your best bet. Me and few others will be coming up but will be about 12ish. Oz
  17. Me and my mate will join you aswel not to sure on the time though. Bessell give me a text
  18. Really enjoyed it, some big stuff going down. Oz
  19. Feck! really nice vid from Marco Grosenik yet again, the bunny hop at the end is emence Oz
  20. Thats just sexual ! looks well nice...not liking the cranks though. Oz
  21. Im going to go with the dmr v8's look and feel great , also the azonic pedals are really good. Oz
  22. Happens to my mate all the time check out the state of his trousers when we finally got him untangled. Oz
  23. EchoOz


    Skate shoes work the best i ride in a pair of Adio's cant go wrong they feel great on and off the bike Oz
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