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Everything posted by EchoOz

  1. That was truly amazing really was a top vid, really well made. Your site is really good aswel enjoyed browsing through it. Hope to see more of your vids soon Oz
  2. Good review, My mate just brought himself 1 of those aswel it feels so much nicer and is so much easier to work with especially as i only use 1 finger for braking Oz
  3. yer i would say thats it just bout worth it, not a mark on it doesnt even look as if its been used. Oz
  4. I thought it was a nice vid well edited, music seemed to suit the riding and the riding was good aswel. Like the 360spin variations. Oz
  5. Was a really wicked day weather couldnt of been although lots of riders turnt crispy any better although lots of riders turnt crispy due to the sun, loads of great riding going on really enjoyed it. Oz
  6. I would say that it wouldn't count basically because of the whole comp idea said before. Oz
  7. That was wicked! loads of funny random stuff on that surprised his rim lasted as long as it did. Just shows he can do most things on any bike then. really nice vid. Oz
  8. Sorted it out now, adding links to the chain and pulling back the wheel didnt work made it worse. so i just gave the frame a little knock on each chain stay bit of a bodge but at least it works now. Cheers for all your help anyway. Oz
  9. Braunshweig! he is amazing on both the monty and the koxx and so smooth
  10. Nice riding Phill looking really good mate, i take it that last hop over the rails is what pooped up your wheel then ? Nicely done, a few familiar spots there seen in Cls vids. Oz
  11. After all the advice and thoughts on the matter i think my best option is to add an appropriate amount on new link(s) to the chain and pull the wheel as far back as i can and hopefully that will sort it out. thanks for all your help much appreciated Oz
  12. Cheers mate ill have a good play with it tommorow and hopefully it wont rub then. the clearence is seriously small though stupid really. Cheers Oz Still wouldnt work because the shape of the chainstay which sucks. Oz
  13. well it only seems to be rubbing on the chain stay, even with it almost dead central though it still has very very small clarence on both sides less then milimetre which is really weird could it be anything to do with my rim its a try-all rim. really annoying because i'm wanting to ride saturday at Dj so want to get this sorted. Oz and yer its a 2.5 creepy crawler
  14. Hi, well basically i have just purchased a Gu typhoon long and i love it all accept for the fact that my rear tyre (creepy crawler) rubs. it is immensely close to the chain stay on both sides. anybody else had this problem or is there anything i can do to prevent this ? Cheers Oz
  15. what the hell is that haha made me laugh what ever it was. i wonder what's next inline for Koxx ? Oz
  16. 'Tricks and Stunts' thats what got me into trials great incite to trials aswel as having a funny story line to it. Oz
  17. hi my mate runs an echo external bb on a Gu long worked fine so im guessing that yes it would work. Oz
  18. nice vid mate, Some nice smooth riding, really well edited music suited the riding aswel which was nice. Oz
  19. nice bikes there mate, i used to run a Gasgas 250 but moved to a sherco now. nice python aswel. Oz
  20. not bad gap there, keep it up. Oz
  21. nice vid, full version should be worth another viewing looking forward to it. Oz
  22. not really one for coloured cranks but must say they do look very strong, i'm taken by the brake levers though, just something simple to pimp your bike up. Oz
  23. Really Nice first vid, not to sure on the music but thats me. May need to cut a few of the clips down a little bit though didn't really need to see you riding off. Smooth riding though nice one. Oz
  24. bit of both does me fine, natural overall is more of a challenge. But both street and natural are great just depends on wether u got the accommodation to ride natural. I'm lucky i have a big quarry right by my house. Oz
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