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Everything posted by hubertus

  1. the best way to set the pads very precisely and easily is to use Echo SL clamps. They are truly amazing. The aluminum rings make the settings so much easier and precise. Much better than the plastic rings from magura.
  2. Why are you so annoyed by the posts of that guy? He is working hard to make his news website which I probably the best on the net, he is doing all this on his free time, he spend several hours every day to bring us news of the trials world. I am sure a huge majority of riders like that. I would understand your reaction if tribalzine was a shop (dealer) but it's not, it's just a trials news web site.
  3. Nice bike you got there. Here are some pics of the grey version if the Slate. Weight is: 8.89kg
  4. I agree 100% with you man! I can't believe that kind of coment to say that some guys are too lazy to click on a link!!! I guess that Jebegood is being rewarded for working so hard to run a news trials website to provide us, riders, with great news every day and most of those news are translated in English... and all this.. guess what... FOR FREE!
  5. Nicer quality pics here: http://www.trialprod.com/catalog/product_i...products_id=247 those hubs are great.
  6. hubertus


    Vid is coming soon.........
  7. He is wearing the trident shoes. You can get them here: http://www.trialprod.com/catalog/product_i...products_id=147
  8. Here is my new bike... What do you think? By hubertus1 at 2007-07-22 By hubertus1 at 2007-07-22 By hubertus1 at 2007-07-22 By hubertus1 at 2007-07-22 By hubertus1 at 2007-07-22 By hubertus1 at 2007-07-22
  9. This event was really cool! It was really great to see Ben and Caisso riding! At the end of the comp', Ben and the romanian rider Bogdan had some fun on the sections, really cool stuff! More pictures on www.tribalzone.fr
  10. yeah I know, we should have put subtitles in english but we didn't have the time to do it. Sorry about that!
  11. The vid is watchable on daily motion with streaming but the quality is bad (as usual with streaming) and you don't get all the benefits on the effects (like shared screen) included in that vid. This vid is so great you should download it (higher resolution). It takes 15 minutes! it's not that long.
  12. This amazing vid is brought to you by the tribalzone trials team ( www.tribalzone.fr ). It covers the entire koxx days 2007. It includes the trials competitions (on Saturday and Sunday), some footage of the demos of flat bmx, dirt jumb and Mono trials and even some interviews of the riders (Benito, Hermance, Vinco, etc....). (sorry, no subtitles). It was made by Truelife and Séo. It's over 17 minutes long (347MB) you can download it here: http://tv.isg.si/site/?q=filebrowser/tribalzone File: KOXXDAYS2007.avi Enjoy!!!! and please post your comments!
  13. Those americans must get some gun control laws, otherwise this king of horror will go on and on! 250 millions fire arms in circulation in the US!!! I mean, COME ON!!!! This is nuts! Over 25000 dead by gunshot every year! Hellooooooooooooooooooo!
  14. Tryall freewheel are really bad and weak. Don't buy it! I know a lot of riders who had one and broke it within 3 months! And if you look inside one, you understand why! It's really not a good quality freewheel. The best freewheels are the White industries ENO and the Echo freewheels.
  15. What I understood is that the Onza patent is on the 20 spline design. So what Echo did is remove 4 splines (see picture) to have 16 instead of 20, that way they can sell it, no problems! And regarding quality, indeed it has nothing to do with the tensile. It's much closer to an ENO trials freewheel. And 1 more thing: bearings are sealed (which is not the case on the tensile FW).
  16. I have this tensioner and I love it. If your steel plates are straight it might be because you should use one instead of the 2 in order to lower tension. I noticed that 2 plates apply too much tension. Try to bend them with you hands, and you will see how hard it is. So I removed one plate and now it's much better. Hope that's helps too... Check out mine (with 1 plate):
  17. Here is a vid made by Buzz, from the tribalzone team (www.tribalzone.fr) with 2 french riders. Please let us know what you think of it! Thanks. ==> http://www.dailymotion.com/buzzurbanarts/v...exvario-vs-poke
  18. Yes it's BB +20mm. I ride this frame (excellent frame by the way) and I used to have a 100mm x 5deg stem. I changed it to a 130 x 15deg and it's much better but I wouldn't go as far as a hi-fi stem!
  19. You guys don't have HELMETS in Russia????? :helmet:
  20. So if I understand correctly, the freewheel won't be sold in Europe because of Onza's patent in the EU. Is that correct? (can someone at Tarty confirm that?) Now regarding the Dengura brakes: I read on a french forum that Magura was having a meeting at the end of last week to discuss about those brakes (don't know the result yet). Because Magura has some patents on their rim brakes. Some people were saying that thoses patents probably expired which gave the rights to anybody to copy them. And some people contradicted this saying the patents are still valid! Nobody knows for sure. But I guess Magura is preparing a response to the Denguras launch. will it be a legal response that will all importer to sell them??? We'll see! Here also it would be good to know if Tarty (which sales Magura's brakes) received some notice from Magura regarding Deng's rim brakes!!!
  21. Thanks a lot! Never noticed that little "option" menu before...
  22. I have no idea in what category I should post this so I put it in the "trials chat" section. I noticed something strange when I click on a topic to view it: only the 1st post is visible, all the replies made to this topic are all listed in a non visible way like shown on the picture here below. And I must click on the reply I want to see in order to be able to fully read it. This is not practical at all. What's even stranger is that I noticed this happens on my computer at home but it does not happens on the one I used at work where all the replies are displayed and fully visible. How can I get the same thing on my computer at home?
  23. Yes I bought this tensioner and I am very happy with it. I had it for over 6 months now and had no problem what so ever. The spring is on the second arm and it's very strong. great value!
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