i use koolstop's and tar and it brilliant only scratch the rim lightly then ride holding ur brake slightly till it feels right dnt just put it on and try a drop lol
hey, me and joshyboy are gonna be in lincoln from around 4:30 on saturday is any one free to ride to show us around a bit and have a good ride i no a few places but its been a while since ive been to lincoln cheers
i cnt get sunday because the first train from newark to lincoln is 17:02 and tht is no good, was thinkin of coming over sat afternoon around 3:30 and ridin till 8 will any one be around in lincoln then sorry
well, josh why dont me, you and rossman go over to lincoln saturday afternoon i can see if i can get off work few minutes early and if anyone wants to meet us there ill post a time we will arrive in lincoln anyone is welcome to join us cheers
there maybe a problem with this ride the first train to lincoln on a sunday is 17:02 lol f**king train times dunno wat to do, i dnt finish work till 3 on sat then id need to be bk in newark for 9ish any one free to ride then
hey, "rossman" posted a ride in newark recently and that was disposed for an idea of a lincoln ride so this sunday 30th of april who would be up for a ride in lincoln not sure on train times so if any one can help that would be great just make a list of who wants to come and once times are sorted we can all meet at lincoln train station cheers
i listen to music when riding sometimes mainly, prodigy and stuff like that but jsut recently starting listening to faithless and that helps me carm out when im riding and getting stressed lol
the forks are ultra strong the chain is brand new almost its not rusty at all i think its the light on it or something in reply it would of had a seat but the guy before me had it chopped off and covered it in a nasty carbon sticker after a monty seat pad soon though
i rode in lincoln and was never bothered other then college and uni but when i rode in notts my mate went into a shop and me and 3 other lads waited outside one guy wlked past hit my m8 and ran of with his megamo pro 20" will never ride in notts again mugging wankers
if you read the full topic it had 05 maggie but it died so 04 maggie is in post sould be here tomorrow then i will have proper pics with a back brake lol
rossman me you and josh can go from newark train station ive been ridin in lincoln before its so much better then newark ever will be lol sundays are the best day for me really work all other days
smart bike mine kinda looks like tht (check sig) if we can get a load of riders tgether for lincoln that would be kool or maybe newark but lincoln has better riding
im up for a ride in lincoln but will have to give me some time to sort bike out make it in 2-3 weeks on a sunday and im in newark is ok but lincoln is well better