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About Balman

  • Birthday 09/23/1991

Contact Methods

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  • County (UK Only)
  • Real Name
    jack balman
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Adamant a2, echo forks, try-all rims, rear chris king, front hope xc, middle burn ti cranks, dmr v12 mag, try-all tyer front maxxis minnion tyer, zoo bars, echo hifi stem, front and rear hs33

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Bike Trials, Girls, Photography, Comps and Funny films
  • Location
    benfleet essex

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Balman's Achievements

Trials Master

Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Love this mate! Actually signed into TF for the first time since 2013 just to comment haha well done mate
  2. Lad that lives near me who has a brand new audi TT as a first car on a 59plate his parents are MEGA ritch they paid extra for it to get it a week befor it was in the show rooms baring in mind he can only drive it with his parents in the car as he hasnt passed his test his insurance is something along the lines of 17grand! I wernt having it my self at first untill i found my self driving behind a 59 plate white tt with L plates on haha but yeah he will defo stack it and probly die get somthing like a mk5 fiesta cheap insurable not too old not too new and very zippy little cars when you want them too be
  3. Hello Jack have you got any magura cable?

  4. I do smoke every now and then i don't really need one so it really is stupid i genuinly enjoy a fag with a beer but other than that i havn't really got a valid reason so i guess i should stop although i dont feel as though i smoke enough to NEED to stop but i will anyways befor i acctully do need to.
  5. Balman

    Monty ! :@

    my echo ones used to slip all the time you do REALLY have to tighten the wheel other wise there useless i dont belive for a second it was set up right if it was they wouldnt have moved its not like its a moving part people make snail cams them selfs and they work id get someone with someone to have a look at it and maybe show you how to set them up... Best thing you have EVER typed EVER!
  6. exacly what im doing i keep thinking oh and i remmber when we did this together wow shes lovely then WAIT A MIN WHAT ABOUT *somthing shit she did* LAST WEEK BITCH! ect ect i keep remminding myself of the reasons we broke up and i think its finnaly enough to make me stay away for good...
  7. Balman

    Job Agencies

    Canery whalf? Not sure were west smithfield is but if its anywere near id be more than up for that.
  8. Balman

    Job Agencies

    Im temping at the mo in london, I went for hays who got me a temp job at a coprate investment bank its a little boring but its £10 an hour 9-5. With as much or little over time as i like im payed by the clock so if i turn up at 6am they start paying me at 6am witch is pretty cool. They want me to stay on untill the end of the year but I have had to say no due to collage. I basicly sort out swift messages in the income deparment but theres bugger all work to do so i sit on t-f all day and watch films on the i-pod and sort out what comes off the printer from time to time.
  9. Joe marsbar - tfs most sarcastic git and video slater.
  10. Balman

    Modified Cars

    Please leave and never come back you havn't got a clue what your talking about and make up utter crap.
  11. pics or it didn't happen? i had a somthing like this when i was younger only it was in a pool and all of me was dry and wrinkled and i started to itch in some places from iratation but yeah smother those bad boys in cream and youll be good to go
  12. I acctully LOL'd hahaha you legend the worrying thing is i have a ruff idea of what that would look like haha
  13. Not personaly but my uncle has done around 300 i belive he broke his fib and tib in one fall a few months back and has still booked anougher its not the first time he broken somthing doing it ether apparntly its such a rush and an ammazing feeling he's happy to break stuff left right and center for the thrill! MENTALIST lol.
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