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About joker

  • Birthday 11/13/1986

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. not been on here for ages, but heres some designing I am doing at the moment for a robotics company
  2. I couldnt be arsed to read every single post, but I brought some cranks off the bloke a while back, and managed to do it through his mum's paypal account and to his credit, I got the goods fairly quickly and the transaction was ok. I know some of you have had bad expieriences with him etc.. and although he may well be a little lying scroat he did come good this once.
  3. joker


    its Guildford for a start! depends how good a rider you are as to whether its any good obviously.... the nearest rocks your probably thinking of are hook woods, which you can't go to.
  4. he wrote in to MBUK about that ironic lettter about trials at the cycles show, and the editor tore it to pieces and got unt of the month etc...
  5. cheered me right up reading your rant in MBUK this month...sorry if this has been posted already...
  6. joker

    Chris Smith Video

    http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7...smith&hl=en worth a look
  7. # hate to break it to you, but maybe your just shit
  8. joker

    Pro 2 Hubs

    the colour is also shite just to further piss on your chips ha
  9. joker


    my itunes program is running slowly and taking ages to do anything and annoying me, why? help please!
  10. If you have a standard cassette hub, you could use spacers to move the rear sprocket side to side to fine tune your chain tension if its roughly the right length. I know it won't give you an ideal chainline, but unless your very lucky or have an eccentric bb your gonna struggle whatever you do.
  11. difficult to say without taking the fork apart myself but its likely the clicking / grating sound is the spring rubbing on the inside of the fork, best bet is to take the spring out and shrinkwrap over the whole spring except about an inch either end, usually does the trick.
  12. joker

    Blue Ramps

    just watched anti gravity 2, does anyone know where that skatepark with the blue ramps that smith and penman are playing on is?
  13. anyone host this anywhere else please?/
  14. that red rod that your all going on about is just an allen key that is used to adjust the tpa, its the one thats coming on new rockshox forks to adjust the floodgate i think, as sram rockshox avid are all the same.........
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