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N Roach

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Everything posted by N Roach

  1. If theres some thread left, Just use the oversized cups from your old bottom bracket and put them onto your new bottom bracket, screw in, if possible, then locktight it. Then start thinking of getting a new frame lol has worked for many! cheers nafan EDIt: Damm ^^^^
  2. N Roach

    Nbr 25

    I hate to stir this up but the forum does state "trials videos" as one of its sections Nice video though! cheers nafan
  3. hey, need to get my Ko-bikes bottom bracket out my frame, but my tool does'nt fit over the spacers! does anyone have this bottom bracket, and know which tool to use to remove it? cheers nafan
  4. Very nice ryan, The forks make the bike look neat!
  5. Have just found the answer
  6. Hey all, On the CRC site, the set sizes for the creepy crawlers tyres are both 20" for front and rear is the rear actually 19" instead of 20"?? look in http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=7955 Cheers Nafan
  7. very nice.......................
  8. Hey, Theres going to be a ride at hook woods in Guilford on the 24th or 25th, weather depending. Anyone is welcome to come along and ride, thers a small charge of £10 per rider. Thers loads of rocks to ride of all levels of riding, be there for about 10ish, directions are on their http://www.surreysb.co.uk/venues/hook-woods.htm Most Probably Be The 25th cheers Nafan
  9. hey all, Anyone know where to buy GU Typhoon frame stickers?? cheers Nafan
  10. Buy an oversized bottom bracket from supercycles, call them 0115 941 11 33 to order one as tey dont display this item pon the site, their about £15 posted, this will almost tap the threads back into shape, get the manager to explain what an oversized bottom bracket is or : The bottom bracket-shell-thread is cut slightly bigger than a standard BB shell to take an oversize square taper bottom bracket. The square taper is the same as that used in complete T-Pro bikes, so there shouldn't be any problem fitting square taper compatible trials cranks. cheer nafan
  11. go onto biketrialuk website, click the link for clubs, find hampshire, then use the telephone number at the bottom, he will sort you out!! cheers nafan
  12. Have you got a direct link, to the download edit just found it, hopefully this is it!! http://www.acu.org.uk/uploaded/documents/2...ence%20Form.pdf How much money do i need to send????
  13. Hey, Is this the license ill be needing http://www.biketrialuk.co.uk/Forms/07%20BI...ence%20form.PDF And is there a signing on form, for hampshire biketrial club??? cheers Nafan
  14. hey, I want to join this club, but dont have a clue what is required, something about a license?? is there a website??
  15. I praz my helmet, has saved me many deaths, no joke
  16. www.hidetheip.com www.guardmy.info there do the job
  17. give me a weeks notice (Pm me) and if the weathers good ill be up again. Cheers Nathan
  18. N Roach


    My try-all slips like f**k, even when im lining up to do something = slip slip, could just be an odd one as many people say there good!
  19. hey, I have a magura hs33 on the rear, and the hoosing has been put through the holes between the up and dwon tube on my GU frame. I wont the hoosing to sit on the out side of the frame. -Can i just undo the bolt on the lever (The bolt which attaches the hoosing to the lever) and some how stop the fluid from coming out, then take the hoosing out through the frame? or, Is this not possible? cheers nafan
  20. Go to ASDA £1.48 per tube, they havent punchered yet
  21. N Roach

    New Bsxl Vid!

    thats the one, cheers But very hard to find. Anyone now were i can download it?
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