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N Roach

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Everything posted by N Roach

  1. Yer she be cracked the wheel base is 1080, sush a nice bike. Nathan
  2. Hi, Here they are.... Nathan
  3. they are chain tensioners
  4. Great video Tom, Get on your bike soon! Nathan
  5. My comment did'nt mean to seem sarcastic to Scott. Hands up to you as theres nothing that will sort this. The offer I appriciated, as most people would have offered me sh*t. And im not moaning about you as I did'nt buy the bike off you, as it was your dad who dealt with me (Top bloke.) I have no problem with you or your dad, its just I had been saving for over a year to buy a 26" bike, and now im having to afford out for a new frame ontop of the £500. Sorry to clog the thread No offence to Scott or dad. Cheers Nathan
  6. Edit: Comment I would say thats a crack as most monty's are prone to crack in that area. If you weld it, be sure to some how get a brace welded to the chainstay and oak. Cheers Nathan
  7. Wooop woop Dave you getting good, Let me know when your coming down to do that gap.Love the video, want to see more, was a good ride, most go to Pompey Or Soton. Also Dave, there's a new part in town which we didnt take you to which you will have to ride. The place is yet un ridden becuase it's only been built, but its f***ing massive at this place, Watson size!
  8. Treat yourself, buy something expensive for the bike, thats what i do.
  9. N Roach

    Home Australia

    hi, Another kool clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfYW7SgCZHA Enjoy
  10. I think its a 10er return from Pompey..
  11. All are welcome...come on!
  12. Your hope is fine, no need to change it lad
  13. Ill Meet you at 12 on asda side of the station, yeah? nathan Nah come ride Poole with Dave, want to see some new riders out... 12'am train station, you ride after dentist?
  14. What time is best for you Dave? I shore me and Tom can get down there earlier.
  15. Your improvement over the last few months is amazing, maybe its the new frame..... Nathan
  16. Anyone going to Porstmouth? Need to know where to park?
  17. Hi, Half term now. Would be good to see some new faces. Anyone? Nathan
  18. hey, As tittle says, Im wanting to know when all the 08 frames will be out to purchase? Cheers Nathan
  19. I have zoo blue risers, mint con £22 posted
  20. Echo TEAm 2007 will be forsale from the 18th October, been used for comps. Pm me if your interested £500 posted
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