If you have changed your chain to say... a KHE then that could make a difference. Also check your bb cause if it has stiffened up that could make more of a difference.
Take bolt out and soke the taper/isis joint in silicone (oil etc) Then leave the bolt out, go ride for a few hours then try extracting the crank arm again. If that does'nt work get a blow touch.
My agruement would be how the council have approached you in such an un-professional way. Slagging you off, I dont think that is in their job describtion.....
Hi, Wanting to do all these competitions next year and havent a clue about membership of joining fees. Anyone fill me in how to join and ride? Who to contact? Nathan
If it is not skipping then leave it be......they are a bitch to put back together. You'll most likely end up loosing a pawl or breaking something. Nath