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N Roach

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Everything posted by N Roach

  1. The travel is not a problem, my step dad works for BA... I am not going to be re selling the parts, It just for myself only. But I hear £80 DOB frames and £60 Zhi Frames. I know of one person that has been but I would like to know if anyone one hear has been to this shop, what they thought about the prices?
  2. Hi there, I am thinking of taking a trip over to Hong Kong to stock up on the trials parts some time this year. Has anyone been to this shop? How much cheaper are the products? and do they speak some English? Thanks Nathan
  3. My friend sent me this picture the other day. He calls it the flip-whip.
  4. Hi, This is my new video which was filmed during this half term. The locations are Weymouth, Poole and Portsmouth. The song is Rise Againt - Prayer Of The Refugee. I think there is a few areas with room for improvement Ive just turned 16 and have been riding for 1 year and 6 months. Post your comments. Enjoy Just uploaded it onto Vimeo: http://www.vimeo.com/743263 Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload Thanks Nathan
  5. Im their, the presentation should be good. Hopefully a dry one.
  6. O come on... please atleast someone else join? It wont be worth it otherwise!
  7. Hi, I am thinking of going to Portsmouth on Sunday. Say 11am At the hall. Need to get some riders to show us round. As long as the weathers good. So any takers? Nathan
  8. N Roach

    Biu License

    I have been told from my local club runner that, the BIU license are now part of the ACU license, so there is no need to apply for the BIU license. The BIU will only be needed for the world championships. Not to shore about the koxx days though, Trialsman might know? Nathan
  9. Basically Deng pads on a deng rim will work well. Mostly due to the style of the grind and the testing which was carried out but deng. Same with Try-all Pads, they work best on Try-all rims. Basically the pad has been designed to work to the best of its ability on one type of rim, its own brand. If you run echo rims I would say yes to these pads. Otherwise try-all greens are very good on try-all rims and softer compound rims. Nathan
  10. N Roach

    Tra In Oslo

    I thought the riding was really creative at the start. The sidehop halfway through was really high. The drop was huge, unlucky you did'nt land it. Altogether a top class TRA video
  11. Maybe you could use the term "Fit for Purpose"...
  12. The riding was great as usual. Paul is an utter beast, I have never heard of him before. You can sort of see his style reflected from yours.
  13. Excellent pictures! Word has it that one of the ACU british biketrials will be held at Portland!
  14. It seems to be the trend to run a V-brake on these frames... I might have to join in. Nice bike.
  15. Looks Really good. What is the V-Brake like for Natural riding and in the wet? Nathan
  16. Owesome pictures! I think that Ross rider looks much better on mod than stock
  17. Joe and Steve A went. Its just Steve isnt very handy with a camera As you can see below.
  18. The Riding was good, but I have seen your ride much better. To be far you did have a big break from riding. You should have collected more footage and make a long video. Good Job though. Nathan xx
  19. Hi, Great weather resently so I thught I'd Take a few in the sunset... And one out of the sunset... ©Nathan
  20. Most riders from my way will be down, wont be there till mid day though.
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