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N Roach

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Everything posted by N Roach

  1. Yeah thats one place we are planning to ride, my friends dad is the person who runs that course and the event.(only lives like 4 doors away) cheers dave
  2. yes thats the bike. When you say level-1 entry, is that like the intermediate and expert levels in biketrials. Where is the most local club or event nearest to England?
  3. I mean me and a friend, two bikes the same...
  4. Hi, Me and mate are thinking of getting a Pit Bike each, most probably a 110cc. Does anyone know where the best place is to buy these bikes with the best service and prices? Looking to spend about £200-£300. Also where do they race these, I have seen videos of the "Mini Bike Pro" League. Further more I have been looking at the Bulldog 125cc, 4 stroke, Is that any good or can i get better for my money? Bulldog pit bike http://www.ghostbikes.com/pp/BIKES_AND_QUA...-Dirt-Bike.html Mini Bike Pro video http://video.mpora.com/watch/skPsjU4sz/ Cheers Nathan
  5. Cool Video Ross! Some really technical lines. Control suits much better. Nathan
  6. Big riding, Editing was good. Where is that..in the first 2.30 mins?
  7. weathers not looking good... Hope it changes If the ride is rained off, then Monday Combes!
  8. Bump Have you sorted a lift?
  9. Excellent frames!, Echo urban, Zoo 2006 bars and try-all stem 130 x 20. An the rear built in booster feels solid on the lever.
  10. Evening all, Portland Bill Car park 11am. The place is covered in rocks for miles. There will be an ACU National Round on the 28th June 2008, so this ride would be great time to get some practice in for the comp and for Koxx Days which is on in a few weeks time. To get an idea of what Portland looks like click below. Although there is far more to ride. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....ails&id=458 And also in Daniel Grey's -Short film, I am no nick goddard (the first 1.15mins) The location is: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?sourceid=nav...sa=N&tab=wl Hopefully see most there. So far: Nathan.C Tom. Mc Dan Brooker Chris Elson Thanks Nathan
  11. N Roach

    Dan Brooker

    Dan is quality! dispite the music, which supprising fitted quite well, his riding was excellent, showed off his style well. Someone I look up to...
  12. havent riiden Poole in a while, I might be in...
  13. Excellent riding, I dont think these pictures give any justice on how good Dan really is!
  14. Yes Dave! You came to my home town with out letting me know... Riding was owesome like usual. Making an appereance on Sunday? at HBTC Nice one Nathan
  15. Very nice, wheels look good with stickers :thumbsup:
  16. Thanks for all the positive comments! anymore?
  17. I really liked that. The type of riding is my favourite! Yeah I know, We have the sh*t weather they have the hot and sunny, yet they have the indoor parks...
  18. Does that limmit apply for import duties or just taxes?
  19. Yeah thats cool. Warehouse looks the bollocks. How many bikes do you have?
  20. So if I were to call them and order the parts, then they would charge me like £20-40 postage and nothing more would be said, straight to my doorstep? aslong as I stayed below the £150 limmit before taxing etc Thanks Nathan
  21. Did you have to pay any import duties? Or did it come striaght to your door for £20? Why did you choose to get the parts sent back to the UK instead of declairing them in the UK? Im not after deng parts, Im after most DOB products and a few others things. Nath
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