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N Roach

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Everything posted by N Roach

  1. Only music in windows media player Anyone know what media player will play this video please?
  2. You have the colour scheme dialed. Really liking the front drilling, Maybe a next bike...
  3. unfortunately so...see a problem with that?
  4. Hey, Just a little video from riding, the other night. Nothing Big. I will be filming over the summer, so look out for that. Hope you like. Enjoy Trials-Forum Video ->Full View • Download • Upload
  5. N Roach

    Bruno Arnold

    Ive seen Dave marshall do like 46-47" over the pole. That has to be an old video...
  6. Looks like you were centre of attention China, you get around abit. Must be really cool riding all these countries you get to go to. Where are the comp pictures...
  7. Liking the Traditional Dave Colour scheme! But that front tyre looks horrid
  8. N Roach

    Dan Brooker

    Wicked riding Dan. Bike looks mint!
  9. Yeha im going Hope it stays dry, the venue would be un ridable in the wet. I can remeber last year, trying to park , I think everyone spun some dirt. Cya Sunday, Nathan
  10. Yeah, you were not the only one that was'nt invited
  11. What buffer are you using, on an angle grinder? also are you using polish to get a cleaner shine?
  12. Trial tech cranks without a doubt, they come in silver, only £50! and look nice. Also they only weight 488 grams.(160mm) what more could you want...If I needed new cranks these would be the ones. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=10467
  13. Pictures look good. Its good to see some top riders on mod. What frame is it?
  14. Yo Phil, Hows the bikinbg going? Sorted you brake out?

  15. Dave M, do you know when the Trial-Tech website is going to be up and running probaby, so we can buy his products?
  16. This may sound abit stupid. But would deng make these bolts to small so products would brake, then we have to buy more...lol What Bolts should we be using for our 4-bolt mounts? Nath
  17. Whoop Portland! Any room for a lift Tom? Margrarg...
  18. We are only down the road, welcome to come and ride with us. We have over 10 riders in Poole. Add me to msn dizymazen@hotmail.co.uk
  19. Nice pictures Dave! The setup looks great. Looked like a fun trial. Nathan
  20. Koxx bikes are on a new level. Looks owesome, had a ride on one of these bikes yestaday, rides really nice.
  21. I rode the short for a while, really liked the frame, strong as houses no joke. Also it has a built in booster which the rear brake feel sold and still make the usual noise. Really good frames, If I was buying one now, I would try the long. Whack some high riser bars on aswell. In general a really nice frame to ride. Other people might say it rides shit, but I think you rather love it, or hate it. Nathan
  22. N Roach


    Yes I have entered the comp on the Saturday. Look out for the orange...
  23. N Roach


    I will be there, them rocks look soo fun
  24. Owesome rider, really enjoyed that video. Anyone know the song?
  25. The Hub and the frame are all ready for disk...I supose I could, but it is quite expensive... maybe we should switch brakes :arabia:
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