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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. urgh looks like a fun ride. I didnt get up till 12 and was in the wrong house The black and white pic of ben side hopping is pretty cool.
  2. Guess ill get a rockman hub then. Really wanted a matching white one Are the reinforced try all rims much stronger than the try all hole rear? There the same price just the try all hole looks nicer. Not too bothered about the weight. I just want it to be long lasting.....
  3. Look proper nice dan, leeds sat?
  4. Hey guys. I currently have a Monty wheel bodged into my Manus frame so i think its about time for a new wheel so i can sell the Monty wheel with the frame. I'm wanting a white hub and rim to match the front Monty wheel.... On tarty bikes these viz hubs seem to be the only white hub available (when there in stock) Does anyone know if there good? Also Ive been out of the scene for a while now so I'm not too sure what rim to go for. Cost doesn't bother me too much. I want something lightish but strong enough for street too. Any recommendations? Thanks, Carl
  5. I have these 5 10's in white and they've been great for trialsing and normal shoes. Super grippy and my caged pedals haven't marked the sole at all so they should last a long time. My linkhttp://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10833&category_id=125
  6. Ill be up for this if there is no snow
  7. I don't see the point in spending all that money on a pimp looking, light frame then sticking a hefty thing like an armoudillo on it.
  8. That was so good. Loved both mod and stock. So smooth!
  9. a climbing wall next to a trials park next to a skate park...........not in the uk Great vid. The bike looks really nice. Id be tempted to get one if i had lots of monies!
  10. Will the event still be on with this amount of snow? my lifts gone back to bed anyways so i dont think ill be able to make it up there
  11. Can anyone give me a lift from ilkley?
  12. If you go in any direction from the art gallery youll probably find something. Best bet would probably be to go on a leeds ride with people who know where stuff is then go from there. Theres one on sunday i belive? look in rides/location on the main forum
  13. What bike is that? looks super long! I didnt really like the music but the riding was pretty cool. Loved the little post thing at 42 seconds.
  14. Are people still going? Snowing in Guiseley at the moment but this weather report looks alrite.
  15. I like it. get a gold front rim on there!
  16. Ill be there riding black. Will be my first comp
  17. Yer im glad the weather man was totally wrong! Just got back from guiseley street sesh. Awsome day
  18. Probably would be more fun on a bmx but i dont have one.... Ive looked from the viewing gallery and theres enough to keep me entertained for one or two visits before summer. Itl be better than trying to ride glen when its pissing it down. Snow tomorrow apparently too
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