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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. urgh that water feature is a right cesspool now! Been tempted to clear it out before. Nice to see you back on the bike Dan!
  2. Made some decent progress with flat to vertical wall rides tonight in Bradford. Just need to figure out how to get the bike more level now!
  3. Just order spokes from Tarty and build it yourself. http://sheldonbrown.com/wheelbuild.html It can take a while to do your first one but it's worth doing. Posting it to Bing and back again just seems like more wasted money to me.
  4. Really cool. Always impressed by riders that can switch between bikes so easy! Double tyre slide on bench.........
  5. CalopS

    Manchester Ride

    The worst thing about it was how busy Manchester is combined with not knowing where you are going!
  6. CalopS

    Manchester Ride

    Music is perfect haha! Best ride of the year so far, good to meet you guys. Liverpool next? post to gap was too good
  7. Judders has one! He just needs his Arcade to arrive. Couldn't get enough chain tension on his Foreplay.
  8. CalopS

    Close Thread

    He's deleted me off Facebook All I said was....... Ogre: Video removed. I'm not even shocked! G: Who cares? Me: Michael probably!
  9. Preferred his video with Andy T but it was good to see more footage of him! Loved the rail line
  10. Looking for a skatepark but found this instead http://goo.gl/maps/cP2LY
  11. and the guy asking the question hasn't been active since June 2012....
  12. Wish I could afford to start climbing again!
  13. I've been running the same backline rims since starting 24". They get my vote!
  14. Buy Inspired, take brakes off, forget about maintenance
  15. CalopS

    Damnation 8

    lol at Danny 180ing the playhouse gap!
  16. Enjoyed that, wish it was longer.
  17. CalopS

    Damnation 8

    http://www.youtube.com/user/leedstrials/videos They are not Trials kings videos though. Damnation trials! I uploaded number 7 to my vimeo a couple of years back
  18. Messaging Insomnia to ask might be a good idea. I've never ordered from him. Just going of experiences of people I know. It just seems a bit hit and miss like Dave said.
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