I really liked the intro! Shame your name didnt fit all the way in on the first shot though.
What was the music?
as for the riding it was a bit too TGS for my liking, but still a good little vid!
tyke trials club is based in yorkshire. I think theres one based in huddersfield too, maybe called "falcons"
as for huddersfield street there is loads of stuff to ride if you know where to look!
I would stay clear of the Echo caged ones.
Mine and my friends cracked on the body in the same place after a couple of months.
Its a shame because the cages held up really well to bashes when compared to other caged pedals.
I more meant that people might buy a heavy duty tube so they didn't have to try and be smooth, because there so puncture resistant.
not that heavy bikes cant be ridden smoothly!
not sure how much I enjoyed that. Some of the creative stuff wasnt that interesting to watch for me besides the line at 3.05.
but as long as he had fun making it its all good.
enjoyed the song!