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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. You will still have dents in your frame though. I'm failing to see your logic? Just buy a carbon downtube protector, then you get no dents and they look good! and your frame will last longer.
  2. Looks good Jamie. Glad you took my advise on the downtube protector!
  3. Thanks for the reply. Ill be sure to get down early! Cant wait
  4. sl's are totally different to Urbans. Everyone knows sl's are fail.
  5. It cant be a Megamo. The shape looks too modern and Ive never seen a megamo in that colour. Dont Hoffman bikes run that kind of maggie mount?
  6. The "whole" theads only a page and a half why shouldnt we have a go?
  7. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs942.snc4/73560_465151398292_94936038292_5627232_7669706_n.jpg some bouldering?^^^ Pretty cheap!
  8. Echo Urbans if you dont want to spend too much.
  9. Done! It says on the entry form the car park is a "trials parking field". Is it just a field? field + snow + cars = deep car swallowing sludge especially if its warming up and the snow starts to melt.
  10. Sounds like some good improvements! I prefer no bash mounts but a lot of young mod riders at comps in lower catagorys just starting out might disagree and I dont think its hard for people to cut them off If they dont want them there. Mounts like they have done on the Limey are a good compramise as theres no need for any grinding. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/20_inch_frames/onza_limey_320/c36p11180.html Thanks, Ill be happy with my frame if it lasts that long for the price!
  11. Did it not work with the pads that it comes with it? Could try double sided sticky tape too.
  12. How long have you had it?
  13. I did my first year of Tyke Trial comps this year. There great fun and I feel like they improve my riding because they challenge you with lines you would never think of doing. Hoping to do more Nationals next year!
  14. If it doesn't stop dents then whats the point? It'll look a lot uglier than a few scratches
  15. Great riding! some pretty inventive routes considering they were made pretty much all out of pallets and a few drum roll things.
  16. No problem, quite surprised you guys didn't know about it! Send me a PM when you want to ride and we'll sort something out.
  17. Here Mark, look on street view for rock porn! One of my fav spots in bradford. Lots to do and no one about. The police arn't bothered about anyone riding there.
  18. Spent the day in Bradford today. As you can see there's still snow everywhere but I think we made the most of it. fun day! Most of these are too dark or blurry, Its all about the snow really Revolution making the most of the weather and leaving there ice cubes outside...
  19. Do it! I would love to see a longer video.
  20. I got an early xmas this year going halfs with my parents to get an Onza Comp frame for my BIKE Other than that I've got these on my list: Trialtech Bashring Design tshirt Hope Mono Disc Rotor 160mm Echo TR Platform 2011 Pedals in silver and just adding a trialtech lite chain because I've had mine for a while now and its started to rust with the snow
  21. You will have more fun joining in! I hope the roads are ok up to the venue, my dads car cant cope with these conditions =/
  22. Nice little edit Mark! shame about the snow cutting filming short Love the second to last clip! Bike looks great. The tensioner is well tucked away. wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  23. The colour is great! goes well with the rest of the bike. Not sure about the carbon though...
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