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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. ah right, my bad! In my head the deadline was the same date as the Tyke Trial christmas special for some reason
  2. Who won the comp? what shoes did they get? so many nice shoes on the 5/10 website
  3. Id of rather you stuck with the irritating bass stuff than this awful cover Jamie Ill go watch it on my dads comp in a bit with the proper song over it. My laptop cant handle two programs EDIT: Have to agree with pengsmelly's comments. Half of these clips were in your last vid? The 90 up to front was cool though¬!
  4. Looks really nice! I think having a mod stem on there would look better though rather than all those stem stackers.
  5. On the move you do at 2:13 and in a few other places, Its better if you follow through with the pedal so your kinda kicking/pushing onto the object as you hop. Instead of just leaning into it and hopping with no kick. watch cocky next time we ride (this weekend!). He does it that way. The only constructive feedback I could think of you beast
  6. Nice gaps to front/switches!
  7. CalopS

    Ali C's Hex Video

    Great video! Feel like you have improved on the filming/editing Mark. Ali ridings rediculously smooth!
  8. Besides riding and climbing my life is poor! and I just looked at last years list and barely accomplished anything on it sooo for this years its: Get a Job Finnish off my driving lessons and get my license/car Take a course in tree surgery Move out of parents house Learn my drinking limits Organize a road trip leading up to Tarty Days Climb a large cliff face Loose the belly and get fit/stronger for climbing and trials
  9. Great stuff Harry. Didnt expect to see another vid from you this year! which seems silly to write seen as Im in the background in quite a few shots. Definete improvment in smoothness over you last vid. lol at cocky in the background at 50 seconds! Good choice of song too. Went well with your riding.
  10. Brilliant video! Inspires me to get to some real rocks in 2011
  11. There was a lot of good riding in that but the music was too much for me. Felt like I should have been watching something much more epic...
  12. CalopS

    Jack Meek Clips

    Quickly becoming one of my favorite riders! Great selection of clips,especially the first line
  13. Nah only a small thing. Was ok but too wet. Id of prefered to have been on some damp rocks to be honest. maybe next Sunday
  14. Rode Leeds today, sorry Jed. Many people turn up? Was there any snow left up there?
  15. I got an eno about a year ago second hand and love it dispite the comments made, but If I was buying a brand new one I would probably go for the SL The removal system is pretty poor. The last time I did it I had to grind the tabs square with a dremel because they were so mashed up.
  16. Ive got a Rockman on the rear and a Hope on the front. The lever feel on the front feels much better. The Rockmans got a lot of bends in now. Think Ill be getting another Hope on the rear. Seem stronger.
  17. I saw that at Wood Fest too, breaking his bike on a bunny hop then using Waynios bike to do the biggest gap from the top of the water gap to the side of the pond! reckless
  18. lol good effort on thart gap Mike!
  19. It only came out the day before or a few days before the Red Bull one so I guess that over shadowed it. It has some great stuff in this one though. My fav line is the roll back 180 up to rail to 180 off
  20. It has I think as an exclusive for the Sun newspaper. The only way this one differs is the Dig Deep logo shots that are in it. EDIT: http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=158575&hl=the sun&st=0
  21. 40% sales abroad is massive considering pretty much everyone in the UK will use them! Great interview!
  22. I'd prefer to have a Rockman Aurum in black I think.
  23. That website is truely awful! I also stopped at the frames. The mod looks alrite. That stock frame is nasty!
  24. Almost alrite but you know if it had black tires, white rims and red rim tape it would be 100% better
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