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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. kinda yer but your first point is interesting. I'll have a go of my friends bike today that has a king and give it a go!
  2. Doesn't he use k-rads? From the amount of times I've fallen over using them because they just washed out I'd imagine they would be perfect for sliding.
  3. In what way did it feel awful? I cant manual yet so I cant see how a freehub would help me with them and spins.
  4. that was FAST! haha loved it
  5. HOLD ON TIGHT! and watch lots of videos
  6. I'm pretty sure Mark W has grinded cable guides and everything brake related off his bike so that shouldn't be a problem but I'm not sure about drilling holes in it. p.s. When its sorted lets get a ride going on in Sheffield with Kenny. I'm only up in Leeds.
  7. Sweet skills and nice edit. The Skye looks so flicky!
  8. I did today in the wet with no brakes
  9. Where did you ride street after? Was good to be back up at glen. Ill be up there again when its dry!
  10. Really good! Shame about the video quality though compared to your one with Jonny Jones.
  11. See you ladies tomorrow¬!
  12. CalopS


    I haven't ridden it yet Maybe tues and if not Corby on Wednesday! I'm guessing it'l be too high for me but its worth a try before cutting them down. As many stackers as possible seems to be the way people are going. I wouldn't mind trying the shorter system ex stem too. Its the 90mm one on at the moment.
  13. ! the new pictures show the colour really well. Looks like it was definatly worth the effort and waiting Saints cranks look proper nice too!
  14. CalopS

    My Leeds Map

    Add me on fb if you want calops@hotmail.com Looking at those maps hurts my eyes. Ill try sort a map out in the next week on a wet day anyways
  15. and £30 towards some bike stuff
  16. CalopS

    Clean - Bpl

    Lovely edit. Definatly need to hit Blackpool soon! you can organise a big gazebo right? Love your hook to rear and Ali's last line!
  17. Pretty much the first time I've felt in the christmas mood after watching this! Still want some snow though
  18. Look on tribalzine at the reports that Ben has done. theres usually some photos up with them.
  19. There pretty close to each other by train.
  20. CalopS


    How long till this can happen then?
  21. CalopS


    This all started off because Flipp told you what he thought of you, you didn't like and YOU replyed and have kept replying. If you think anyone wants to get to know you "properly" after all the junk you type on here your more bonkers than I thought.
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