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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. Fun video guys! Looking forward to more from the blog this year
  2. Continental der keiser Bit expensive though but they last and have good sidewalls.
  3. amazing!..... foot jam kid whip?
  4. Fully deserved! The style and dedication to his riding is obvious but what you don't see on camera is how often Flipp is willing to help out when people have trouble on rides. He is always the first one to stop riding to lend a tool or a patch for a puncture. I feel lucky to have him around in Leeds, especially been a brakeless rider myself EDIT: Just watched it in HD. Had to download it. Vimeo still isn't giving me the option to stream in HD. Great work as usual Mark! Did Flipp choose the song? Sorry for been in the background so much! Was a good day
  5. That was cool Jamie. Easily the best effort you have made editing wise. Glad you have moved away from the dub-step dancy stuff. Always loved your riding style
  6. Don't use a half link and just use a spoke tensioner? Not sure how you would fit one though having the hex without using a drill. Its easy on the old foreplays because the dropouts are full of holes
  7. CalopS


    Those big curvy rocks look fun to ride! Liked it
  8. Impressive build for 245! Looks great See you out soon.
  9. Waited for this one for a while but it was worth the wait. Great edit Ben
  10. Really good edit and awsome riding! Most people wouldn't even go out in that weather let alone ride anything good in it
  11. Looks like an amazing life your living! Really loved how you rode the bike like it was much shorter Is that Stan's old frame?
  12. Hated the editing. The spots he was riding looked sweet though!
  13. Nice backyard Liam. Let see a ride along that fence next time Big improvement over the last footage I saw of you
  14. CalopS

    L Carnitine

    He's not really an endurance athlete riding 3 times a week though. I wouldn't even say people who ride a lot compare to what endurance athletes do. Ive taken some similar protein power bars before after riding but mainly to make me feel full so I don't go home and stuff my body full of junk food.
  15. Great footage, especially of the speed trial! Well worth the wait. Bought my ticket earlier
  16. nah. It was supposed to be just a bunny hop over the first round councrete thing and I pulled up too much and landed in a manual position. Gapping to the next one would be impossible!
  17. Spoke tensioner! I'm using 13/18 and its great. Hasn't poped out whilst riding yet. Worth a go if you have a spare spoke/nipple lying about and a hole to put it in.
  18. Schwalbe Marathon Plus Tyres
  19. CalopS

    Pavel B X8

    lack of variety location wise?
  20. CalopS

    Pavel B X8

    Isn't it an echo? Hardly a heavy bike.... EDIT: beaten too it.
  21. CalopS

    Pavel B X8

    Loved the tech wooden rail riding
  22. CalopS

    2012 Inspired Range

    Definatly. Any chance that colour is going to be available as a frame only?
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