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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. CalopS

    Simply Jim

    Cool video. Those spots near the end look like brakeless heavan!
  2. Any size that fits over the cup and around the rod nicely will do. Could even drill/cut some bits of wood up so there snug around the rod and wont scratch your headset cups.
  3. Just the same as with youtube I think?
  4. Since Vimeo was updated I've found it less simple to use and worse to look at but overall its still a lot better than youtube for copyright, adverts and trolling.
  5. I've got my Inspired , an Echo Hifi which might come out at winter and half a fixie bike which I wish I had finnished off before getting made redundant!
  6. CalopS


    Having the DRS zone through the tunnel might have made things interesting, especially when It came to stopping for the chicane!
  7. CalopS

    Gu Typhoon.

    That was cool dude. Amazing locations! Did you ask the bagpipe guy if you could do that?
  8. CalopS


    I was kinda hopeing it was going to thrown it down near the end. I remember there been some passing in other year but this year was boring. Only saw Button go for a real passing attempt and that didn't pay off
  9. Love the colour Sam Kidney, Ive never known someone that changes there mind so much!
  10. Well I don't have anything more to say to andeee or pugson. I cirtainly don't intend to go there to argue or anything. Would ruin the weekend. Looking forward to 3 days of great riding!
  11. I'll be in Wales doing a demo fri-mon. Looking forward to been away from everything for a few days Not heard of many partys going on. No one I know really cares much for the queen or the olimpics. It seems to be more the goverment putting on a show for other countries to maybe attract more tourism? I'm sure there are plenty of people out there that will be celebrating though.
  12. I'd like it to go down like this if possible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FTXCqxtwo8
  13. I don't think destroying me would go down very well with organisers. All that blood would be a health and safety hazzard!
  14. If I bring my own security he'l get destracted arguing with them and i'll slip away
  15. Is he still in a rage about that thread that finnished 7 month ago?
  16. The next Tyke Trial round is brimham which has the fun day on the Saturday so could test the zoot out there and then go back to the stock if you dont feel comfy on it for the actual comp on the Sunday!
  17. Tell them I'm happy to have photos taken together and bring there own pen and paper if they want an autograph
  18. Fine for blue Dave I reckon!
  19. New forks woop woop, 45mm of stackers ***!

    1. Miles Mallinson

      Miles Mallinson

      I'm still stuck on a 10mm, I need some TT high risers!

  20. I'm not really into the new look inspireds with the frame and fork the same colour but I'm loving this! Slick tires look pretty cool. Do you feel confident turning with them at speed? Saint cranks look awsome. I even like the fat seat
  21. CalopS


    I still need to do it brakeless
  22. CalopS


    a couple of homeless guys wide? You thinking gap to front? =p
  23. Blue skys in Leeds =D Can't wait to finnish work and get out in it.

  24. Blue skys in Leeds =D Can't wait to finnish work and get out in it.

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