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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. Needs more Ashton Good to see you went back to a lower bb frame though
  2. TRA is the last person I'd want to try and catch from that high up!! Who is the guy on the yellow inspired?
  3. The bodies always crack on the caged ones. The platforms seem stronger
  4. Thanks for putting this together. I couldn't make it so this makes up for it a tiny bit. Needed more flipp though! Who is the guy with the Skye?
  5. So good. Loving the slow mo with that track.
  6. It never works for me. I have to "quote" someone thats put up a video then copy the code over with my video in. Worked fine till the last board update
  7. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't fly him to america for surgery if they were just going to get rid of him. He's been all over the place recently. and as we can see from this topic, you don't have to improve to have a long career in trials.
  8. Kendas are rubbish though. Only good for tgs.
  9. By the time Danny has finished his career I bet he will be able to buy the Isle of Sky and build the first Danny Macaskill theme park!
  10. Helmet* http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/170314-chris-akrigg-and-his-helmet/page__hl__%20chris%20%20akrigg%20%20helmet
  11. Most people cant afford to have that many bikes and wouldn't have the space to store them.
  12. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/topic/174816-trials-rider-on-new-ups-advert/page__p__2416173__hl__+ups%20+advert#entry2416173
  13. lol they have been out a long time so he probably used them at some point. If the pad hasn't changed then an opinion back then still counts.....
  14. Holy rollers are definatly the way to go. At 50 psi they provide plenty of grip and stability and still have some bounce I've only tried Kenda k-rads besides them though. They are fast but don't grip very well compared to the Holy Roller.
  15. There is some good riding there but there's a lot more than castle park to ride.
  16. I feel that when you go to another country where everything is new going to a Trials park is a waste of a trip. Especially when there are many trials parks near him in his home country. The best thing about trials is finding and riding unique places and been imaginative with whats there.
  17. Another vote for Bristol! Edit: Just read your full post......... I don't know if its just because Iv'e ridden Leeds a lot but Bristol seems to have a lot more stuff to ride. Leeds does have loads of random spots that people never go to on the big group rides but I'd probably have to come show you around and your not into that. Ive never thought sheffield was that great. If you end up sticking around here though Bradford is worth visiting and Shipley Glen also if your into natty (Its pretty streety natty though). Hull too.
  18. Ive been wanting to visit the skatepark for a while. Is there much riding there non skatepark wise? I'm injured at the moment but up for a ride when i'm strong again.
  19. Looks nice. Does anyone know why they haven't done a 20" carbon fork yet?
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJsoaR8ArDg Full x games 18 bmx park event. Better viewing than ITV can offer (A)
  21. gah proper want to ride now, especially in Liverpool. Sweet vid guys!
  22. No one else has poped up saying they have had warrenty issues with TB. I myself have had two warrenty claims with them and they both were done in double time to get me back riding again. You've just come off as a bitter wanker that didn't get his way. Why would anyone trust what you say over tb!
  23. I'll have been here 9 years in 3 days I haven't made that many posts considering the amount of time but its helped me a lot. Its a bit different now with youtube and vimeo but you probably wouldn't have been able to find many trials videos back in the day if it wasn't for trials forum and endodgergeeqwews........ or whatever it was called. So thankyou!
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