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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. Putting "training" in the title probably puts people off watching this. You just expect a few big power moves, lots of sidehops and put together with no music or worse a terrable song. After getting round to watching it I was really impressed. Love tech riding videos and the song went well
  2. It's hard to tell how many people actually look at the blog and seen as no one has mentioned this anywhere I thought it was worth posting.
  3. Nice work Dave. Few moves I wasn't expecting in there. The sidehop looked awkward to do with landing on an uneven surface. Well done for doing it and controlling it enough to spin off too!
  4. Grinning throughout the whole of that Flipp, awsome!
  5. Cant wait for all the videos to come flooding in! I'm still unsure if I'll be putting an entry in or not.
  6. woops big fail, much like todays filming.
  7. CalopS


    They keep showing it on you've been framed!
  8. I feel ill about my 0 clip count and the weather forcast for the rest of the month. GETyourlifesortedmothernatureandgivemesomesunshineyouslag
  9. and its called a "wodge"
  10. It's all about getting the right pop off the object.
  11. CalopS

    Ali's Getaway

    I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to more GET video entrys coming out soon
  12. This is my method but I don't have a pro2..... It helps if you put a few kinks in the spoke so it sits nicely in the chain and doesn't pull away from it. If you were going to carry on using the wrap around that bolt method I would suggest wrapping it around a few more times then making it so the spoke sits flat on the chain rather than wrapping it around the chain in a loop.
  13. CalopS


    That smiley is lacking some beard!
  14. CalopS


    Everyone knows you can trust a man with a big bushy beard!
  15. The best way to get used to it is just to go do some comps. Red is right for you!
  16. I was on a ride yesterday with all types of trials bike and I think everyone had trialtech high rise....
  17. Weren't you riding someone else's bike? Could have a lot to do with it.
  18. Give the guy a break. Your definitely getting stickers for nothing!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Get lost rain. It needs to stay dry this week! Next weeks looking even worse
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