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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. Nice edit to a fun day! I'll get that bunny gap next time See you guys at the weekend maybe.
  2. I'd probably go with a silver bash too but that's just been picky. Looks great JD That white Inspired saddle your trying to sell would go nice with the white stickers too I love this whole brakeless thing (sorry everyone)
  3. Would have been nice to have some music to make it flow a little better but the riding was good. Nice to see a bridge/wedge in a video.
  4. Vimeo find. https://vimeo.com/53895020
  5. Is holding the bike on the rear wheel that hard though?
  6. I'd join. It would be cool to be shown around Manc.
  7. Something like this http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/9308_426974827350027_2010183554_n.jpg Nothing that takes up too much Trials space.
  8. I'd come if there was a good range of things to ride and not just pallets of varying heights dotted around the place. The only thing I'd worry about is if your starting it in March then thats when its starting to dry out. Have you thought about having any other sports there? Maybe a small skatepark section. Scooter kids use parks all year long but trials riders probably wouldn't. As this year has shown though every other weekend can be wet in the UK.
  9. Nice footage Ben. Need more TGS guys pushing the big stuff.
  10. Nice liam! some cool lines in there
  11. 150 30 tryall stem with 5" NS bars I hope....
  12. I think the danny mac ones have a re-enforced toe for footjams to they might be a good option for you.
  13. This should be in "Post a video of todays riding"
  14. I was just trying to point out that just because modern bikes come with high long stems that it doesn't mean it'l work on yours. If you looks at frames from past to now as the bb has gotten higher the stems have gotten bigger to balance it out
  15. The reason you see long high stems on modern bikes is because the BB is so high. Your bike looks like it has 0 or very little BB rise so maybe a long high stem isn't the best option.
  16. I would but I live in Leeds. I've never been to barrow farm. Where as G presumably goes to bike parks more often so I see it as a bit of a waste of a day going to barrow farm. but that's up to him, It's only my opinion
  17. Its a bit of a waste going to a bike park in the uk when you have three in barca to play on. Might as well take advantage of the unique street spots we have in the uk.
  18. CalopS


    Wash it to soften the hair! It usually makes it a bit less itchy.
  19. Fun day out in scouse land bumping into some locals!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mark W

      Mark W

      Haha, it's all good :) Sorry if I wasn't too chatty, was pretty tired and my knee was giving me some grief. Not ideal...

    3. JonnoDB


      Ae you guys planning on heading back to Liverpool anytime soon?

    4. CalopS


      When the sky is blue again.

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