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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. I quite like it. Looks pretty old school. Thinking Hifi, older zoo's.
  2. How come your not using snail cams? The bar/stem combo is pretty awful. I like the green though I hope other people get there Marinos soon!
  3. When I tried quoting someone earlier it wasn't showing the
  4. Thanks Nick, means a lot! Marks camera must have a smooth button on it though. The gap after the side over rail was ruff as hell (A)
  5. I might go back to Hyde park and find that cat. It could get rid of the rat's in my house with that look! Best video of the year
  6. I've just noticed that barrow farm is two days long. Does that mean Radfest will only have one day to have use of all the obstacles? I might do Barrow Farm and Newcastle. I know brakeless isn't allowed but can you say just have a rear?
  7. Were parking at the park so well be in there first I'm guessing.
  8. It's hard to not watch this!
  9. 18-13 if you want it more trialsy and less speed. EDIT: beat me too it...
  10. It's alive!!!! (see angry thread)
  11. Urbans should be fine then while you improve.
  12. Inspired forks! Not indestructible but a lot stronger and more suited to a Zoot than Urbans.
  13. CalopS


    It'l probably just take time. Bikes with brakes feel really odd to me when I have a go on friends bikes.
  14. I'll come down for a sheff ride.
  15. More Alex Donnochinewalge
  16. CalopS

    Mango Bikes

    There is another place that does this in the uk but I can't remember the name. Much more expensive than these I think. Most cheap fixie's seem to come with those sorts of rims Matt.
  17. Awesome ride with Dan and Fraser this eve!
  18. Yer we don't need another curb comp. Ben's is a fancy curb comp! Only thing I'd worry about is if two comps were on at the same time but I guess we would just need clear topic titles.
  19. I guess I'm thinking once a competition is done with the topics should be merged back into the main video section, but maybe thats all to much work for the mods and a perminant sub section might be better.
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