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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. Killed my wrist last weekend and was worried I was going to be out for a while again but rode on it this evening and it's feeling better
  2. Sounds like you need some sort of hobby Dan. Please don't leave us!!!!
  3. They just haven't been cut down. With that headset 45mm of stackers was enough to top the steerer by a few mm
  4. I'm riding 45mm of stackers with 90mm/35dregree stem and TT highrise bars. I'm just under 6 foot. I really cant ride anything too low down now or too far out but some people can make it work. Maybe try the Onza stem with more rise bars or the 90X35 stem like Ali just suggested. Edit: Maybe I've got the 70 mm actually....
  5. yes. Mike Judson doesn't know it yet but he says yes too.
  6. I THINK I heard or read somewhere that stretching you neck can cure problems with arms/shoulders. No harm in trying anyways.
  7. Always a pleasure to see footage of Kyle. Perfect day to ride Higgor Tor by the looks of it!
  8. Love it Josh. The JAF components go well with the frame too geo?
  9. https://vimeo.com/59771447
  10. Excited for the weekends riding, SUNSHINE!!!

    1. Danny00135


      lollipops and, rainbo...

    2. ogre


      Where you riding mon? Come his sheffield again soon your brakeless shenanigans are missed and I stopped smoking. No excuses!

  11. The guy that does the commentary on MotorsTV sucks anyways.
  12. It is but its worth a repost! p.s. mpora and youtube suck. Does anyone know if this video is on Vimeo? I can't find it!
  13. CalopS

    Zoo lynx

    Sad that you got rid of that lush hex but it's good to have you back. Ride soon Dunc!
  14. http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/dedication/highest-bicycle-bunny-hop
  15. Tom posted a picture of his Ashton with a new proto hub on but the picture isn't very clear. I presumed it was a hub with more engagements but maybe its the straight pull version. http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/35528_10151480006547889_1083463985_n.jpg
  16. I think they said it wasn't specified what kind of bikers the complaint was made against. There's always lots of xc and downhill guys there.
  17. My challenge for the winter was to learn to manual and after today I think I'm there with plenty of winter left to go
  18. Naive! Awesome. Been looking for that for ages with buckys lines in Bradford. Thanks
  19. Maybe email him and say you will give him bad feedback unless he refunds you your £2. I'd just check over the ebay listing too to make sure you didn't miss something about the postage, but it sounds like he is in the wrong.
  20. I'm crossing my fingers that it's a sunny week for you
  21. Yer that is me. The guy who actually rides something similar to what the guys asking about. I'll put it another way. They don't even do the lites in a 24 which basically says everything. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/24_inch_forks/c539.html
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