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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. I can't think of anything worse than a bunch of trials riders honking away while your going around a velodrome. This thread is for Dynamix Skate park in Newcastle anyways I'm sure a bunch of us would come up from Leeds. Was hoping you would put on more events after I couldn't make the first one.
  2. Wasn't it you that posted a picture trying to imitate that someone? I sort of agree but the more I see if him there more I like his riding. The up to wooden rail to alley oop 360 stuck out for me.
  3. CalopS

    GETcreative 2

    Clip one in the bag! How is everyone else getting on?
  4. I put mine in the vice and pulled at the frame about till they came out.
  5. crappy day to get off work
  6. Mid ride snack?....... https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/614593_318576461571745_466410815_o.jpg
  7. Looked so good at TD's. I might have to get a full build If I ever have the monies!
  8. Probably already seen by most but have to post it again!
  9. Awesome weekend despite the rain. Really enjoyed the different events put on and all the effort put in by TB's and the other stands. Thanks guys! Less wasps and the trampoline closer to the start of the eliminator next year
  10. Could you move that wooden step thing that's up against the two big tyres to the other side so It can be used as a hook or roll down? Just ordered my wrist band!
  11. Cool riding! Glad someone filmed at that red brick spot too. Looks like an interesting setup.
  12. So good Kyle! Looking like you get on with the hex well too
  13. Must make a trip to Buthiers next year! Awesome video in every way. See you both at Tarty days!
  14. I don't know what there is to get really. I just do it for a change to riding trials all the time. They are fun to ride!
  15. Bit of fixie fun. Spot the trials riders!
  16. I'm going, I just need money, a lift and a ticket!
  17. Great video. Love your rolling gaps and the line at the end. Was cool to meet you at Radfest!
  18. I wouldn't bother. Get a Pro2 trials hub! What expensive products have you had that don't last?
  19. I don't think Adam has control over all trials products either If anything they don't sell some of the cheaper/arguably worse quality stuff that they could get such as Zhi because they would have to deal with a lot more warranty stuff.
  20. I'd go for them then. Carbon bars don't seem to be holding up that well for anyone lately and if your doing spins your more likely to let go of the bike and damage them.
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