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Everything posted by CalopS

  1. What so he uses the extra thrust from his fart to make him fly futher? pritty gud technique :-
  2. :) :) :) :- :) thats erm.... pritty darn impressive :)
  3. Hey guys, new vid of me yeeey :) Cheak out video page on www.guiseleytrials.tk thanks to rich matt and nadine for filming me. Its filmed in guiseley leeds and huddersfeild Tell me what you think, be nice though :- Comments on are web site too :)
  4. CalopS


    MY full names Carl Hopps and some kids thought i was called calops for some reason so all my friends called me it but now they dont Its kinda annoying having it as my msn address too cos loads of stupid french people add me thinking im there friend
  5. id come if i could ive been down that way for holiday i think saw two guys on Base TA20 (blue editions) when i was down there
  6. hehe some downhill guy was riding up big kerbs and showing off and rode into someone, i wasnt watching but someone said he almost cried :wink2:"
  7. to start find a slight uphill, its easier to go faster as it keeps you in a strait line easier so just keep pedaling dont go slightly downhill and the pedals just run away form you unless you have good break control if you falling off just turn the way that balences u out its easy once u masterd it, just keep trying I think ill try go from your house to mine backwards next time im going home rich :wink2:"
  8. Andy amos uses monty rims and hes had only grinds since the first time i rode with him which was like 5 month ago, he uses plasmatic pads i think, its a awsome break. best ive used
  9. hes riding huddersfeild tomorrow if anyone wants to take a look :P
  10. having a great days riding then not been able to get home intime to go to the cinema with your friends to see sponge bob movie and getting in a stress and it ruening the ride
  11. Its by the uni, i know cos i filmed that clip :P Its a pritty nice gap Ill see you all there about 11 (great ride today in leeds, thanks to everyone who turned out)
  12. I should be there :- probably wont if its really pissing it down when i look out the window though hopefully it wont
  13. hey, i know you said mid day but thats a pritty random time to meet in leeds Me and some other guys are meeting outside the train station on the white marble blocks at bout 11 - 11:30 pm me if you want my number so you know where were riding when u get into town (Y)
  14. By all those bus stops on the main road where theres a gap from wall to wall but u have to watch out for the top of the bus stop? i think i know where you mean I like it a lot cheak out nadines new vid, most of the stuff on the vid is filmed in hudds (Y)
  15. Im not quite sure where u mean and i ride leeds lots :rolleyes: What kinda objects are there to ride there?>
  16. well firstly i had my KMC the wrong way up but this wasnt a problem with my ASC but it was with my ENO After i got that sorted it still skipped sometimes, im really not sure i dont know if its me just not looking after/using it properly hasnt skiped over the last few ride so hopefully its sorted itsself out :) EDIT: yer sometimes it skiped when u freehweel for a bit then pedal right slow, i dont know why but it hasnt been a problem Most people say that its never skiped once when doing actual trials just when there slowly riding along
  17. Mine hasnt been too great, i dont really trust it now so i wish i had of just gone and got a profile set up really Still it feels much nicer than an ACS but i still had a few skippage problems
  18. *Sniff Sniff* Cool vid nadine, i see you put all the random filming we did to use hehe
  19. I might come on one of those rides
  20. CalopS

    Lake Ogdwen

    Cool vid was really enjoying it, shame it came to an abbrupt stop though hehe Nice song, well well with the riding (Y)
  21. CalopS

    Manchester Vid

    cool vid, would have been really good if it wasnt slighty repetative well done :P
  22. Why dont u just swap the dates around kenny and ride hudds on saterday instead?
  23. Ill try get there (Y) Hopefully airevally will be able to sort my bike out on saterday If not has anyone going got a very cheap rearwheel i can buy? (19", 10mm axle) anything will do (Y)
  24. Cool vid, that place looks as amazing as everyone said grr at nick hehe
  25. I thoguht they were drilled at you were just showing off your rim tape bodging skills till i saw the stickers on the frame it is late though (Y) Actually thats a lie im wide awake cos i always am at this time of night (Y) and i also been eating ice cream
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